Portfolios Wiki swbq:mmsw http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/ 2020-01-27T00:44:59-08:00 Portfolios Wiki http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/ http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/lib/images/favicon.ico text/html 2017-05-04T13:44:09-08:00 swbq:mmsw:cfseriesderivative http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:cfseriesderivative?rev=1493930649 Prompt “Write the first 5 terms of y''(x).” where y''(x) is the second derivative of y(x) expanded as a series solution. Context This SWBQ helps students to see what happens to a power series when derivatives are taken as a lead-in to reindexing a sum. text/html 2013-07-29T11:25:11-08:00 swbq:mmsw:cfswchain http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:cfswchain?rev=1375122311 The Prompt Practice your chain rule and compute the derivative, $$ \frac{-\hbar^{2}}{2\mu r^{2}}\frac{d}{dr}\left(r^{2}\frac{dR}{dr}\right) $$ Context This SWBQ Wrap Up [Powerpoint slide] [PDF slide] text/html 2013-07-29T11:32:37-08:00 swbq:mmsw:cfswlegendre http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:cfswlegendre?rev=1375122757 The Prompt How would Legendre's function (shown below) change with the coordinate transformation $z = cos(\theta)$ $$ \left[\sin{\theta}\frac{d}{d\theta}\left(\sin{\theta}\frac{d}{d\theta}\right)-A\sin{\theta}^{2}\right]\Theta(\theta)=0 $$ [Powerpoint slide] [PDF slide] text/html 2012-08-23T22:24:06-08:00 swbq:mmsw:index http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:index?rev=1345785846 text/html 2016-07-07T14:47:32-08:00 swbq:mmsw:inswconstant http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:inswconstant?rev=1467928052 The Prompt Given that $x=x(u,v)=u$ and $y=y(u,v)=\frac{1}{2}u+3v,$ draw lines of u equals constant and v equals constant. Context Use this SWBQ as a preliminary to a discussion about the fact that it matters what you are holding constant in a partial derivative. text/html 2013-07-26T11:24:34-08:00 swbq:mmsw:inswtree http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:inswtree?rev=1374863074 The Prompt “Write the line in question in terms of partial derivatives (see figure in .pdf).” Context This SWBQ Wrap Up [Powerpoint slide] [PDF slide] text/html 2013-07-26T11:38:41-08:00 swbq:mmsw:osswcos http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:osswcos?rev=1374863921 Prompt “Plot $cos\theta$ as function of $\theta$” Context This SWBQ is used to recall what students learn in their math prerequisite classes. Wrap Up [Powerpoint slide] [PDF slide] text/html 2016-07-07T14:22:12-08:00 swbq:mmsw:osswdiffeq http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:osswdiffeq?rev=1467926532 Prompt Find the general solution of this differential equation: $$\frac{d^{2}\psi}{dt^{2}}+A\psi=0$$ Context This SWBQ is a quick check to see if students realize that the solution to this differential equation depends on the sign of $A$. Try this SWBQ whenever this equation comes up in physics (often!), using whatever algebraic symbols are relevant for the problem at hand. EVENTUALLY students start to recognize the equation in its many guises. text/html 2013-07-26T11:36:57-08:00 swbq:mmsw:osswtrigident http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:osswtrigident?rev=1374863817 Prompt “Write the trigonometric identity for $\cos(a+b)$” Context This SWBQ is use to recall what the students know about the trig identities. Wrap Up Even though this is a good question and a good reminder for the students, this question doesn't warrant enough time in class to engage in student conversation. text/html 2017-05-04T13:23:13-08:00 swbq:mmsw:ppcoupledforce http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:ppcoupledforce?rev=1493929393 Prompt “Write down the force on mass 2 for the coupled spring system.” Context This SWBQ ... Wrap Up [Powerpoint slide] [PDF slide] text/html 2017-05-04T13:06:24-08:00 swbq:mmsw:pphermitianprojection http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:pphermitianprojection?rev=1493928384 Prompt “Show that |v><v| is Hermitian.” “Calculate (|v><v|)2.” “Calculate (|v><v|)(|w><w|).” Context This SWBQ is intended to help students become familiar with the properties of projection operators. Wrap Up Students should consider each question one at a time, followed by a brief class discussion to ensure students get the relevant points. In particular, (|v><v|)2 = (|v><v|) and (|v><v|)(|w><w|) = 0 as a way to building the matrix decomposition theorem. text/html 2017-03-16T13:20:49-08:00 swbq:mmsw:spswcomplexval http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:spswcomplexval?rev=1489695649 The Prompt Express the complex numbers $z_1$ and $z_2$, where $z_1=i$ in polar form. Write $e^{-i3\pi}$ in rectangular form. Represent both of these numbers in the complex plane. Context Students have often had little exposure to Euler's Identity, particularly in a quantum mechanical context. This activity gives students the opportunity to convert complex values from polar to rectangular form. Students also have the chance to use the general form of Euler's Identity and practice using th… text/html 2016-08-12T13:33:51-08:00 swbq:mmsw:spswsquarenorm http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:spswsquarenorm?rev=1471034031 The Prompt ``Compute the square of the norm of the complex number $z$, where $$ z = 2 \,+ \, 3i\, \text{.''} $$ Context Oftentimes, when students are asked what the ``square of the norm'' of a number is, they can't answer. However, this is often true because they have never heard this operation, particularly for complex numbers, referred to as ``taking the square of the norm.'' This activity refreshes students' memories for taking the square of the norm of complex numbers, as well as how t… text/html 2016-08-12T14:10:41-08:00 swbq:mmsw:spswsquarenormpolar http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:spswsquarenormpolar?rev=1471036241 The Prompt ``Compute the square of the norm of $z$, where, $$ z=a e^{i\beta}\, \text{.''} $$ Context This SWBQ designed to have students think about how to take the complex conjugate of a complex number in polar form and discover what the result is after taking the square of the norm of a complex number. This SWBQ can be used as an extension from (or prequel to) any activity that features complex numbers, especially those in “polar” form. In particular, lectures featuring relative pha… text/html 2014-09-30T13:23:14-08:00 swbq:mmsw:syswderivative http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:syswderivative?rev=1412108594 Prompt “Write something you know about the derivative.” Context This SWBQ ... This small whiteboard question prompts students to write something they know about derivatives which yields a variety of responses. These responses initiate a conversation about various representations of derivatives and associated ideas such as examples of time derivatives, graphical representations of derivatives, slope at a point, a rate of change, ratio of small quantities, the limit definition, and “… text/html 2016-07-07T14:13:04-08:00 swbq:mmsw:syswscalar http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:syswscalar?rev=1467925984 Prompt “Write on your whiteboard some other examples of scalar fields in physics” Context This SWBQ is used following a brief lecture(1 minute) which defines a scalar field in terms of the temperature as having a scalar (number) value at every point in space. text/html 2012-08-22T22:14:48-08:00 swbq:mmsw:title http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:title?rev=1345698888 Math Methods SWBQs text/html 2016-08-02T15:52:12-08:00 swbq:mmsw:vfswderivative http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:vfswderivative?rev=1470178332 Prompt “Write something you know about the derivative.” Context This SWBQ prompts students to write something they know about derivatives which yields a variety of responses. Wrap Up Student responses can initiate a conversation about various representations of derivatives and associated ideas such as examples of time derivatives, graphical representations of derivatives, slope at a point, a rate of change, ratio of small quantities, the limit definition, and “instantaneous”. … text/html 2013-07-26T10:16:36-08:00 swbq:mmsw:vfswdirac http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:vfswdirac?rev=1374858996 The Prompt “Compute the integral” $$\int_{a-\epsilon}^{a+\epsilon}\frac{x^3+ln(x^2)}{2+\frac{1}{x}}\delta(x-a)dx = f(a)$$ Context This SWBQ can be used after a brief review of the properties of the Dirac Delta function. Wrap Up [Powerpoint slide] [PDF slide] text/html 2016-07-07T14:17:23-08:00 swbq:mmsw:vfswplottheta http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:vfswplottheta?rev=1467926243 The Prompt Plot the function $\theta(x)$. Context This SWBQ is a quick check in to make sure that students understand graphically what the notation for step function means. Wrap Up Quickly follow this prompt with other examples: $1-\theta(x)$, $\theta(x-2)$, $\theta(x)\theta(x-2)$, etc. text/html 2016-07-18T14:51:09-08:00 swbq:mmsw:vfswscalar http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:vfswscalar?rev=1468878669 Prompt “Write on your whiteboard some other examples of scalar fields in physics” Context This SWBQ is used following a brief lecture(1 minute) which defines a scalar field in terms of the temperature as having a scalar (number) value at every point in space. text/html 2013-07-26T10:34:46-08:00 swbq:mmsw:vfswthetafunc http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:vfswthetafunc?rev=1374860086 The Prompt “Write down in terms of theta functions the following plot.” Context This SWBQ Wrap Up [Powerpoint slide] [PDF slide] text/html 2013-07-26T11:46:32-08:00 swbq:mmsw:wvswdrawplot http://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/portfolioswiki/swbq:mmsw:wvswdrawplot?rev=1374864392 The Prompt Given $$\psi(x,t)=Asin(kx+\omega{t}+\phi)$$ Draw a plot of the wavefunction at $t = 0$, and then at a short time later. Context This SWBQ Wrap Up [Powerpoint slide] [ pdf slide]