\documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx, multicol,wrapfig,exscale,epsfig,fancybox,fullpage} \pagestyle{empty} \parindent=0pt \parskip=.1in \newcommand\hs{\hspace{6pt}} \begin{document} \centerline{\bf Quantum Calculations on a Ring III} \bigskip Consider the following normalized abstract quantum state on a ring: $$\Phi(\phi)={\sqrt{8\over {5\pi r_0}}} \cos^3(2\phi)$$ \begin{enumerate} \item If you measured the $z$-component of angular momentum, what is the probability that you would measure $2\hbar$? $-3\hbar$? \vfill \item If you measured the $z$-component of angular momentum, what other possible values could you have obtained with non-zero probability? \vfill \item If you measured the energy, what possible values could you have obtained with non-zero probability? \vfill \item What is the probability that the particle can be found in the region $0<\phi< {\pi \over 2}$? \end{enumerate} \vfill \leftline{\it by Corinne Manogue, Kerry Browne, Liz Gire, Mary Bridget Kustusch, David McIntyre} \leftline{\copyright 2012 Corinne A. Manogue} \end{document}