\documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx, multicol,wrapfig,exscale,epsfig,fancybox,fullpage} \pagestyle{empty} \parindent=0pt \parskip=.1in \newcommand\hs{\hspace{6pt}} \begin{document} \centerline{\bf Linear Transformations} \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item Using colored markers, draw the initial vectors, all on the same graph on your whiteboard. $$\vert{\rm red}\rangle=1\vert \hat\imath \rangle+0\vert\hat\jmath\rangle \doteq\pmatrix{1\cr 0\cr}\qquad \vert{\rm green}\rangle=0\vert \hat\imath \rangle+1\vert\hat\jmath\rangle \doteq\pmatrix{0\cr 1\cr}\qquad \vert{\rm blue}\rangle=1\vert \hat\imath \rangle+1\vert\hat\jmath\rangle \doteq\pmatrix{1\cr 1\cr}$$ $$\vert{\rm black}\rangle=1\vert \hat\imath \rangle-1\vert\hat\jmath\rangle \doteq\pmatrix{1\cr -1\cr}\qquad \vert{\rm purple}\rangle=1\vert \hat\imath \rangle+3\vert\hat\jmath\rangle \doteq\pmatrix{1\cr 3\cr} $$ \item Each group will be assigned one of the following matrices. Operate on the initial vectors with your group's matrix and graph the transformed vectors on a single (new) graph. $$A_1\doteq\pmatrix{0&1\cr -1&0\cr}\quad A_2\doteq\pmatrix{0&-1\cr 1&0\cr}\quad A_3\doteq\pmatrix{0&1\cr 1&0\cr}\quad A_4\doteq\pmatrix{1&0\cr 0&-1\cr}$$ $$A_5\doteq\pmatrix{-1&0\cr 0&-1\cr}\quad A_6\doteq\pmatrix{1&2\cr 1&2\cr}\quad A_7\doteq\pmatrix{1&2\cr 9&4\cr}\quad A_8\doteq\pmatrix{1&1\cr -1&1\cr}$$ $$A_9\doteq\pmatrix{2&0\cr 0&2\cr}\quad A_{10}\doteq\pmatrix{1&1\cr 1&1\cr}\quad A_{11}\doteq\pmatrix{1&0\cr 0&0\cr}\quad A_{12}\doteq\frac{\hbar}{2}\pmatrix{1&0\cr 0&-1\cr} $$ \item Find the determinant of your matrix. \item Make note of any differences between the initial and transformed vectors. Specifically, look for rotations, inversions, length changes, anything that is different. Are there any vectors which are left unchanged by your transformation? Your group should be prepared to report to the class about your transformation. \item When your group is done, put a sketch of your transformed vectors on the chalkboard or prop your whitboard on a chalktray. State what your matrix does, give the determinant of your matrix, and mention any unchanged vectors or vectors whose direction is unchanged. \end{enumerate} \vfill \leftline{\it by Jason Janesky \& Corinne Manogue} \leftline{\copyright 2011 Corinne A. Manogue} \end{document}