There are three key ideas underlying Einstein's theory of general relativity:

Figure 1: The behavior of light and clocks in an accelerating reference frame. The rectangle represents a rocket ship that is accelerating upward. A beam of light appears curved to observers in the ship, and clocks tick more slowly at the bottom of the ship.

Simple applications of these ideas imply that gravity bends light, and that clocks in a gravitational field run slow. Both of these results follow by considering an accelerating rocket ship out in space, as shown in Figure 1. A beam of light shining through the windows that is horizontal as seen by an inertial observer follows the parabolic trajectory shown as seen by an observer on the ship. Similarly, pulses of light sent from the front (top) of the rocket to the back (bottom), indicated by the horizontal lines, will arrive more quickly than expected, since the back is accelerating to meet it, resulting in the interval between pulses being shorter upon reception than at emission. The back observer therefore thinks that the front observer's clock is running fast. Since acceleration is equivalent to gravity, both properties must also hold in a gravitational field. That is, gravity bends light, and clocks in a gravitational field tick at a slower rate than those that aren't. Equivalently, clocks in orbit tick at a faster rate than those on the ground.

The bending of light by gravity was the prediction that made Einstein famous, when this prediction was confirmed by Eddington during an eclipse in 1919. And the different rate of clocks on satellites must be taken into account by global positioning systems.

1) The equivalence principle asserts a relationship between an observer moving along a curved path in a flat geometry (special relativity) and one moving along a “straight” path in a curved geometry (general relativity). The acceleration due to gravity therefore becomes the curvature of the underlying geometry, rather than the curvature of the path.