Our Graphic Elements

The Oregon State University brand has a number of graphic tools that make us instantly identifiable. When they're used consistently, these elements create continuity among families of materials.

Contextual Elements

As a very flexible and customizable graphic element for the Oregon State University brand, contextual elements can be used in a variety of interesting ways to create dynamic and engaging layouts.

Basic Patterns

In their most basic form, graphic patterns are simple, subtle patterns that overlay other elements in a composition to create depth and texture.

Note: It's important that this graphic element be used subtly as a complement to the image, with its stroke weight never dominating the overall content of the photograph or the other elements in the composition

Although contextual graphics often follow a strict grid structure, they do not necessarily need to align with other elements in the layout. In fact, the composition is often better balanced by elements that do not align.

Contextual graphics must never interfere with the legibility of type. A simple solution is to remove sections of the graphics to create an open space for copy.

Contextual Elements: Custom

Contextual graphics can also be complex, both in content and meaning. They can relate directly to the subject matter, providing an additional layer of meaning. These custom graphics can also interweave with layers of type and images, creating compelling and dynamic designs.

Note: It's important that this graphic element be used subtly as a complement to the image, with its stroke weight never dominating the overall content of the photograph or the other elements in the composition.

Contextual Elements: Scientific

Technical charts and illustrations can add a dynamic quality to a layout when laid on top of an image to provide a sense of context to specific data. Focus on small portions of charts, graphs, or equations that add visual interest and even describe the meaning of the graphic in an image caption.

Remember: These graphics are intended to pique curiosity and add visual interest to the layout, not to provide a full picture of the science. Therefore, they do not have to be perfectly accurate or complete. For example, the lecture you are advertising or newsletter article you are laying out will provide a more complete picture.


For more information about graphic elements and to download university patterns and contextual elements, please visit the Oregon State main branding guide.

Do you need custom graphics or need help editing scientific graphics for use in your design projects?