
B.S. University of Madras, India (1975)

M.S. University of Madras, India (1977)

Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India (1981)

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Texas A&M University (1982-84)


Chair of Excellence, CRISMAT, France (2006-2009)

DuPont Charles Pedersen Medal Award for Excellence in Scientific Research (2004)

Ralf Busch Materials Science Seminar Award, OSU (2007)

Contact Dr. Mas Subramanian

Dr. Mas Subramanian

Milton Harris Professor of Materials Science
Oregon State University Materials Institute

Oregon State University
339 Weniger Hall (office)
153 Gilbert Hall (mailing address)
Corvallis, OR 97331-4003
Phone: 541-737-8235

Phone Lab: (541) 737-6750

Fax: (541) 737-2062



Dedicated to the development and advancement of new materials

Dr. Mas Subramanian

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Website created and maintained by Andrew E. Smith and Sean Muir - Last Update: May 1st, 2010