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B.A. Oxford University, 1974
Ph.D. University of British Columbia, 1979

Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University,
Corvallis, Oregon 97330-4003, USA

Phone : (541)-737-6740   Fax : (541)-737-2062
E-mail : watsonp@chem.orst.edu   


P-Chem CD

About P-Chem

System requirements

Structure of P-Chem modules

Table of contents of P-Chem

How to get P-Chem

Download a demo version of P-Chem

About P-Chem

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This highly visual, interactive program is designed to help students better understand the role of molecular characteristics and environmental variables on physical properties. All of the major topic areas of physical chemistry - thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, statistical thermodynamics, kinetics and reaction dynamics, polymers, solid state and surfaces - are covered in 40 individual modules.

Students can interactively investigate the effects of varying system parameters, such as temperature and pressure, over a wide range. Generally, they can select from a range of predefined molecules of various types, or enter the data for a molecule of your choice. The results of changes in molecular properties or system parameters are immediately reflected in colorful plots, animated simulations and movies. In this way they can formulate trends and make predictions (useful for home work assignments). Accompanying each module is explanatory material that briefly reviews the underlying theory, using hyperlinked definitions and biographies. 

Included in this text is a question and answer session so students can test their understanding of the material.

System requirements

Table of contents of P-Chem


 vdw1.gif (4674 bytes)Real gases - Van der Waals equation of state






Thermochemical enthalpy cycles

3rd Law entropies


- Van’t Hoff equation

- Clausius-Clapeyron equation

- ideal solutions

 2pcompd.gif (4777 bytes)- phase diagrams






Debye-Huckel law

Quantum chemistry

Simple systems

- particle in a box (1-D, 2-D)

- harmonic oscillator

- rigid rotor

- tunneling through a barrier

Hydrogen atom

- radial functions/energy levels

- wavefunctions

4dprob.gif (7510 bytes)

Polyatomic molecules -Huckel theory

c6h6orb5.gif (5602 bytes)


- rotational spectra of diatomics

- vibrational spectra of diatomics

- IR/Raman spectra of polyatomics

- NMR - spin-spin coupling

Intermolecular forces

Statistical thermodynamics

Boltzmann distributions

- rotational levels

boltzrot.gif (3819 bytes)

- vibrational levels

Heat capacities of small molecules

heatcap.gif (3772 bytes)

Kinetic theory of gases

Distribution of velocities (1-D)

Distribution of speeds

speed.gif (4449 bytes)

Molecular collision frequency

Flux on surface

Chemical Kinetics

Rate laws

- elementary reactions & order plots

sucrose.gif (4373 bytes)

- multistep first-order reactions

consec.gif (3539 bytes)


Oscillating reactions

brussel.gif (10149 bytes)

Reaction dynamics - PE surface for H + H2 reaction

pescntr.gif (13493 bytes)


Chain configuration

chain3.gif (5129 bytes)

Molar mass by viscosity/osmometry

Solid state

Lattice types

Miller indices

miller.gif (2598 bytes)

X-ray diffraction

- Bragg equation

- Fourier analysis

fourier2.gif (4845 bytes)


Surface structures

surfaces.gif (5307 bytes)

Adsorption - Langmuir/BET isotherms

Structure of P-Chem modules

Each module in P-Chem has a standard structure in which the screen is split into two areas called the Text and Work windows.

The Text window provides :

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Background - a a quick-reference summary of the underlying theory with hypertext links to definitions, to explanations of related concepts, and to biographical/historical information






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Explorations - suggestions of useful parameter variations to try in the Work Window






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Questions and Answers - mainly conceptual tests of student understanding of basic principles






In the Work window students can :

workwin1.gif (9040 bytes)



In most modules students can choose from list of predefined molecules, solids etc. If they want to investigate a different system, in general they can enter the relevant data directly into the appropriate boxes. In some cases, such as the modules dealing with adsorption isotherms or rate equations, they choose, or provide, a data file of real experimental data. The values of environmental and molecular variables are displayed in boxes. When a student changes an environmental parameter, the molecular parameter is updated e.g. altering the temperature will cause the mean speed of a molecule to update.



How to get P-Chem

P-Chem is sold by John Wiley and Sons, College Division.

Download a demo version of P-Chem

If you would like to download a demo version of P-Chem - Click here


Last Updated by Philip R. Watson on Monday, September 09, 2002