Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University


Chemistry 445/545 - "Physical Chemistry of Materials"



MWF 1000-1050

                  Instructor: P.R. Watson, Gilbert 42, x 6740


                                                          Office hour : M&W 11am

Text: A.C. Fisher-Cripps, "The Materials Physics Companion".

NOTE: Good texts for this class are hard to find. The above text is short (and cheap).  It covers all the basic topics but not in much detail.  I will provide copies of notes that provide this extra detail in class.

Prerequisites: Physical Chemistry, Simple Calculus

The preparation and characterization of solid materials - salts, semiconductors, polymers, superconductors, metals, alloys, ceramics - is one of the most important and rapidly growing areas of science. This course provides an introduction to the physical chemistry that underlies the properties of such materials. The course concentrates on the forces that hold such materials together and the interplay between structure and properties. The role of surfaces and interfaces are not considered in this course but are covered in CH448/548 "Surface Chemistry" given in alternate years with this course.

1. Nature of solids, crystal structure

2. Nature of bonding; potential functions

3. Thermal properties

4. Ionic materials; important structures, piezoelectrics, superconductors

5. Electronic properties of covalent materials and metals; band theory, doping etc

6. Defects in crystals and their consequences

7. Diffusion in solids - mechanisms

Exams and grading:

Midterm (1hr) 25% - time TBA

Final exam (2hr) 35%

Homework 40% Approx. weekly, due one week after set

Graduate students enrolled in CH545 are expected to perform at a higher level than undergraduates enrolled in CH445 and will be expected to produce a short term paper on a topic approved by the instructor. 

Approximate grade cuts are (in %) :

             A       B      C       D      F

CH445  80     70     60      50     <50

CH545  85     75     65      55     <60

Chemistry 445/545 Homepage

E-mail to Dr. Watson

Last updated on January 04, 2010.