Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University



Crystal structures

If you follow the links below you can click on the pictures to link to a VRML (virtual reality modeling language) file where you can examine the structures in 3D.  You will need a VRML player for your browser.  If you don't have one installed follow this link - Installing a VRML player.

Many of the images used here come from Steffen Weber's great site

(if you see a login at, hit return and you should still get in)

Another good site is the "Making Matter" site at the Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble, France.

                                    Crystal structures


AX compounds

AX2 compounds

Others - perovskite, spinel, 1-2-3, buckyballs etc

Chemistry 445/545 Homepage

E-mail to Dr. Watson

Last updated on January 11, 2008.