Using Icon-NMR software to automate 1H NMR experiment on the Bruker 400 MHz instrument.  Experimental Chemistry II, CH 463/H
Weigh or dispense about 10 - 20 mg of sample into a 4/5 dram vial. samplevial.jpg (37714 bytes)
solventdisp1.jpg (31441 bytes) liquidpipet2.jpg (17142 bytes) Measure about 3/4 mL of solvent using a disposable pipet.  It should look like about this much.
Pipette solvent into vial and draw mixture back and forth until a solution is made. mixsample.jpg (16961 bytes)
sampleheight.jpg (18675 bytes) Dispense solution using pipette into the NMR tube.  The depth of solution should be about 3 cm.
The tube is then fitted with the spinner, and tube and spinner are placed into the depth gauge.  This puts the spinner at the correct height.  assembly1.jpg (9833 bytes)Spinner (left) and depth gauge (right)
tube1.jpg (11444 bytes)After depth gauging it, the tube should look like this fitted with the spinner  
Carefully put the sample tube in the probe chamber on top of the magnetic samplenprobe1.jpg (20859 bytes)
samplenprobe2.jpg (15066 bytes) The sample should look like this in the chamber.
Load ICON-NMR on the computer console for the Bruker 400 FTNMR system in Gilbert 228.  Consult the directions for using ICON-NMR (separate handout.) workshell.jpg (20362 bytes)
sgiscrn.jpg (42235 bytes) Login.
Log in again to ICON-NMR Routine Spectroscopy loginscreen.jpg (26610 bytes)
routinescrn.jpg (25765 bytes)  
Main program menu screen looks like this.  iconnmrscrn.jpg (38607 bytes)
shimlock.jpg (29578 bytes) The program will automatically shim the sample.
Once shimmed the FID will be collected fid.jpg (25876 bytes)
spectrum.jpg (20085 bytes) The FID will be transformed, phased and integrated for you and a hardcopy will be printed.
To run another sample, select Continue continue.jpg (21211 bytes)