Exam 1CH 130 Name _______________

April 25, 1996

There are three pages and twelve questions on this exam. Be sure you have them all.

1. Describe or define precisely and give an example of each

Cis and trans isomers

Structural isomers

Secondary alcohol

2. Draw molecular structures representing each of the following:







3. Identify by name each of the functional groups in the molecule shown below.

4. Describe in words or by drawings three of the forms in which pure carbon can be found in nature, and provide names for two of these.

5. How many different di-substituted isomers would result from the reaction of the molecule C3H8 with chlorine (two Cl's per molecule)? Draw each of them, and give the IUPAC name of one of them.


(a.) Draw the structure of 3-ethyl-2-methyl-1-hexanol.

(b.) Would you expect this molecule to be more, or less, soluble in pure water than 1-butanol?



7. What compounds result from the oxidation of n-propanol and isopropanol? Identify the types of compounds that these products are.

8. Rank in increasing order the expected boiling points of methanol, dimethyl ether, and methane thiol. Briefly justify your reasoning.

9. The following two questions pertain to the laboratory experiment on Acid Deposition.

(a) A neutral or slightly basic drop of bromocresol green indicator is blue/green in color. When you caused this drop to be exposed to an atmosphere of containing NOx, you observed the formation of an "eye." Why did the eye form? Was it permanent? Explain.

(b.) Describe how you were able to demonstrate the transport of NO2 through the atmosphere by use of multiple drops of starch/KI solution.

10. Where does the term "organic" in organic chemistry come from? To what does it refer?


(a.) Shown below are a few units of a polymer. What monomer unit might be useful in producing this polymer?

(b.) Will polymerizing this monomer always result in the polymer structure shown? That is, could the polymerization result in a polymer with a different structure? Explain.

12. Account for the observation that cyclohexene will "decolorize" bromine-water, whereas cyclohexane has no such effect.