Biology 102 Portfolio Construction
Tips For Success
Portfolios need to be turned in no later than the due date/time, late portfolios lose points. |
Use a clear fronted report cover/folder, another example is available in the lab/rec rooms. |
Be sure the Portfolio cover sheet is the first page. Appendix C of activity manual or from this website. |
Include ONLY the assignments (what you did). Keep the rest of the pages of your activity manual, to study for your exams. |
Be sure that the portfolio assignments are in order, matching the front cover sheet. |
Label each assignment so they are easy to find. |
Do all assignments. Missed assingments result in losses of large "chunks" of points. |
Go back to the original assignment and confirm that you covered all the requirements for each portfolio section. |
Academic Honesty - Do not copy other people's work. |