Biology 102 Portfolio #2 REQUIREMENTS - WINTER 2015 | ||||
Printable Portfolio #2 Cover Sheet | ||||
Portfolio Sections | Week Introduced | Skill(s) | Assignment | Assessment |
Dihybrid Cross | Week 3 Recitation | Complete a dihybrid cross with correct genotypes and phenotypes. | Complete the Mendelian dihybrid cross information on page 53, including the parental information, the F1 Punnett Square, the F1 genotype and gametes, the F2 Punnett Square, and the number of F2 genotypes and phenotypes. | This assignment is worth 3.0 points (0.5 points for the parental information, 0.5 point for the F1 Punnett Square, 0.5 point for the F1 genotype and gametes, 1.0 point for the F2 Punnett Square, and 0.5 point for the number of different F2 genotypes and phenotypes). |
Gene Linkage Problem | Week 3 Laboratory | Map the location of genes on a chromosome using crossover data. | Using the crossover data provided, map four genes (curly wing, plum eye, lobe eye, dumpy wing) that are located on the same chromosome ("linked"). Include a line to represent the chromosome, the names of the genes (abbreviations are fine), and the numbers indicating relative distances. | This assignment is worth 3.0 points (1.0 point for the correct order of genes, 0.5 points for each gene in the correct location, as indicated by the names of the genes and numbers). |
Exam Analysis | Week 4 Recitation | Analyze exam results to improve learning and performance on future exams. | Using your exam results printout (handed out in week 4 lab/recitation) and exam answer key/outcomes (available at course website), analyze your exam results. On a sheet of paper, make three columns. In the first column, list the numbers of every question missed. In the second column write the source of the question’s material (lecture, lab, recitation, textbook). In the third column, write whether the question was vocabulary (a definition), an explanation (how, why, etc.), an illustration or other type. Finally, based on your exam analysis data, write a short summary paragraph summarizing what you can do to improve studying for the next exam. If you had all of the answers correct on Exam #1 simply write a sentence stating this in the portfolio. | This assignment is worth 3.0 points (1.0 point is given for the source column, 1.0 point for the type of question column, and 1.0 point for the summary paragraph). |
Geologic Timeline | Week 4 Laboratory | Construct a paper timeline that shows the relative timespan of life on Earth. | On a piece of paper, construct a timeline that shows the relative lengths of the Precambrian (the eons before the current eon); the Paleozoic Era and its six periods (use Carboniferous period instead of Mississipian/Pennsylvanian); the Mesozoic and its three periods; and the Cenozoic with the Paleogene, Neogene, and Quatenary periods. The Precambrian will be huge relative to the eras, you may need to have a creative way of looping the timeline. The eras are also different relative lengths. This can be challenging, but an effective way to learn the order of geologic time. The time spans can be found through Wikipedia and also at | This assignment is worth 3.0 points: 1.0 point for the correct order of the Precambrian, the eras, and the periods and 2.0 points for the correct relative lengths. |
Dinosaur News Story | Week 5 Recitation | Locate and summarize a current news story about dinosaurs. | Locate a current news story (within the past six months) on the web related to a dinosaur. You can use the links to major news sources available through the course website (CNN, BBC, MSNBC, etc.). 1) Write the source of the information. Include: The entire web page address, the date, title of story, news source and author if available. 2) Summarize in a paragraph, in your own words, what the news is about the dinosaur you have selected. Include the main point(s) of the story and why it is a news story (what is “new” about the information). |
This assignment is worth 4.0 points: 1.0 point for the source of information (title of story, news source and author if available, date, web page address) and 3.0 points for a thorough summary (1.5 points for main point of the story and 1.5 points for why it is news story). This portfolio assignment will lose a point if the article is not from the past six months, and will be assigned zero points if no information on the source of the story is provided. |
Corn Obser-vations and Analysis II | Week 5 Laboratory | Make follow-up observations of corn seedlings and analyze information | These are the same two groups of corn seeds that from the first week's portfolio assignment. One group is a standard corn seed (AA) that is acting as a "normal" control, the other is homozygous (aa) for a recessive albinism mutation that block's the seedling's ability to produce chlorophyll. This assignment has two parts. Part I: In class today, observe the two groups of plants and fill in your observations on the next page. Include: root characteristics (indicate if roots are not visible); plant height above ground; and physical appearance of plants above ground (color, shape, etc.). Be specific and thorough in your observations. Also, be sure to get the stamp that you have completed the observations in class. Part II: As homework, provide bulleted answers to each of the following questions: 1. Is there any evidence of an effect of the albino mutation on the homozygous recessive (aa) seeds? Support your conclusion with your observations. 2. Describe how the albino mutation could impact growing plants, but not necessarily germinating seeds. Answers to these questions can be typed or neatly written on the back of the stamped observation sheet. |
This assignment is worth 4.0 pts.: 2.0 points for observations recorded on the observation sheet, and 1.0 point each for thoroughly answering the two questions. The plant drawings need to be completed and stamped in your scheduled laboratory or during GTA office hours weeks 5 or Monday of week 6 (no later) to receive credit for this assignment. |