Enolates and Enamines:
Structure and Reactivity

Removal of a weakly acidic proton from a carbonyl or enol leads to a resonance-stabilized carbanion. Normally, if a lithiated base (e.g., LDA) is used, the enolate that is formed will have the lithium coordinated to oxygen, and aggregation will occur (see Carey & Sundberg, p. 427).

In assessing reactivity through the use of conformational analysis, one must use the double-bonded nature of the enolate. This is obvious when considering the structure of, for example, cyclohexanone enaolate:

CHenolate.pdb The delocalized nature of the enolate (and the potential for reaction at either C or O) is revealed by the electrostatic potential map:

Aggregation is as important for enolates as it is for alkyllithium compounds:


Adapted from Elliard & Carpenter, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1985, 107, 3345.


Adapted from Amstutz, Schweizer, Seebach and Dunitz, Helv. Chem. Acta, 1981, 64, 2617.

As with alkyllithium reagents, chelators and strongly coordinating solvents can break up aggregates and help control the steric environment of the reagent during nucleophilic attack.  A recent paper was published concerning the reactivity of monomers vs. dimers.
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Enamines are closely related to enols. They have a similar delocalized structure, but are more polarizable and lack the negative charge (and basicity) of the enolate. Compare the structure and electrostatic potential of an enamine made from cyclohexanone:


One important difference is that the choice of the amine used can have a dramatic effect on the stereoselectivity of an alkylation, due to the steric interactions induced by the amine substituents. Try to predict where a substituent on the 6-position would go (axial or equatorial) and where an incoming alkylating agent will react (syn or anti).



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Last updated: 09/25/03
Comments to K. Gable