Electronic Structure of Epoxides

The electronic effect of substitution has a dramatic impact on the chemistry of epoxides.


Compare the electrostatic potential maps for ethylene oxide vs. isobutylene oxide.   Note the difference in the degree of negative potential at oxygen (red/orange).

EtO.jpg (39854 bytes) The electrostatic potential of ethylene oxide. iBuO.jpg (56778 bytes)The electrostatic potential map of isobutylene oxide.



 Nucleophiles will attack at the sterically most available carbon. Look at the Spacefill to see the Van der Waals Radii to compare the steric properties of ethylene oxide versus isobutylene oxide.
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Now look at what happens upon protonation of three epoxides:

(Energies are calculated in the vacuum at the AM1 level, and are expressed in kcal/mol)

Property: Energy before protonation Energy after protonation Energy of protonation Structure C-O bond distance
Ethylene oxide: -8.955 181.04 +189.97 EtOH+.pdb 1.53
Propylene oxide: -15.698 168.403 +184.10 PrOH+.pdb 2.29, 1.41
Isobutylene oxide: -20.471 137.476 +157.95
2.31, 1.42

 Note the significant stabilization of the protonated isobutylene oxide vs. protonated ethylene oxide.  This is caused by the electron-donating properties of the methyl groups.  In an acid-catalyzed epoxide ring opening, the nucleophile will attack the carbon that bears the most positive charge.  From these results, that will clearly be the most substituted carbon.


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Last updated: 03/28/2014