Douglas R. Warrick
Associate Professor
3029 Cordley Hall 541 737 3703
B.S. 1982 Life Sciences,
M.S. 1992 Biology,
Ph.D. 1997 Biology,
My research interests are in the functional/ecological morphology, aerodynamics, and evolution of vertebrate flight, from hummingbirds to seabirds. I also participate in studies of seabird mortality from oil spills.
I teach Vertebrate Physiology (Z430, Z431, Z432), Comparative Anatomy (Z422/522) and, some day soon, an Honors course in Zoology (Monster Biology*).
Tobalske, B. W., Warrick, D. R., Jackson, B. E., and Dial, K. P. (2011) Morphological and Behavioral Correlates of Flapping Flight Ch. Living Dinosaurs: The Evolutionary History of Modern Birds. John Wiley & Sons, London. Dyke, G.J. and Kaiser, G.W. (eds.)
Tobalske, B. W., Biewener, A. A., Warrick, D. R., Hedrick, T. L and Powers, D. R. (2010) Effects of flight speed upon muscle activity in hummingbirds. J. Exp. Biol. 213, 2515-2523
Warrick, D. R., B. W. Tobalske, and D. R. Powers. (2009) Lift mechanisms in the hovering hummingbird. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. (B) 274, 3474-3752
Tobalske, B. W., Hearn, J. W. D., and Warrick, D. R. (2009) Aerodynamics of intermittent bounds in flying birds. Experiments in Fluids 46, 963-973
Tobalske, B. W., Warrick, D. R., Clark, C. C., Powers, G., Hedrick, T. L., D. R., Hyder, and Biewener, A. A. 2008. Three-dimensional kinematics of hummingbird flight. J. Exp. Biol. 210, 2368-2382
Warrick, D. R., Tobalske, B. W., Powers, D. R., and Dickinson, M. H. 2007. The Aerodynamics of Hummingbird Flight. 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit AIAA 1007-41
Tobalske, B. W., Warrick, D. R., Christopher J. Clark, C. J., Powers, D. R., Hedrick, T. L., Hyder, G. A., Biewener, A. A. (2007). Three-dimensional kinematics of hummingbird flight. J. Exp. Biol. 210, 2368-2382.
Warrick, D. R., B. W. Tobalske and D. R. Powers. (2005). The Aerodynamics of the Hovering Hummingbird. Nature 425, 1094-1097
Warrick, D. R., M. Bundle, and K. P. Dial. (2002). Avian Maneuverability and Stability: Blurred Bodies, Clear Heads. Integrative and Comparative Biology 42(1):141-148
Warrick, D. R., Dial, B. W. Tobalske, K. P., and A. A.
Biewener. (2001) The power output of magpies: Comparing kinematic and sonometric techniques. Bulletin of the
Warrick, D. R. (1998) The turning and linear maneuvering performance of birds: the cost of efficiency for coursing insectivores. Can. J. Zoology. 76(6):1063 1079.
Warrick, D. R. and K. P. Dial. (1998)
Kinematic, aerodynamic, and anatomical mechanisms
in the slow, maneuvering flight of pigeons. J. Exp. Biol. 201:655-672.