Tate Lab Wiki

This is an old revision of the document!

This Wiki

This wiki belongs to members of the Tate group, so please use it and make it better every week! This is the place where the “group institutional memory” lives. Archive things here. Write down procedures. Pass on your knowledge. It doesn't replace a lab notebook, though.

How to make a new page

There is more than one way to make a page. Let's be consistent and use the same method.

  1. In the left column, way at the bottom,in the box titled “toolbox”, click on “Site index”
  2. A list of namespaces appears. Click on “wiki”
  3. A sub-list appears. Click on “navigation”
  4. A page appears that contains all the pages we've created. Go to the top and click “Edit this page”
  5. Copy one of the lines that was used to create a previous page and paste it wherever you want thew new page to go. Change the name of the namespace to be created AND the name it is to be called e.g '*AFM –> *Name of new page'
  6. “Save” the change, and “Name of new page” appears in the sidebar in red. When you click on that, you'll have the option to “Create new page”.

QR Code
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