Tate Lab Wiki

This is an old revision of the document!


  • Bethany's SnCaSe alloys paper was accepted for publication by Journal of Chemistry A (19 July)!!
  • Bethany attended the 77th annual Physical Electronics Conference in Portland (28-29 June)and presented the alloys microscopy work.
  • Michael has graduated and accepted an internship at the Optical Society of America in Washington, D.C. - congratulations and best wishes!
  • Hazel has a summer internship at Intel - enjoy the new experience!
  • Michael, James M. and Hazel gave their undergraduate thesis presentations.
  • Bethany defended her M.S. thesis - congratulations!
  • The Heterostructural Alloys paper has been published in Science Advances.
  • Janet, James, Bethany and Okan attended the CNGMD all-hands meeting at Harvard in May.
  • David Rivella is joining for the Spring term - welcome!
  • Janet gave an invited talk at the Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Francisco.
  • Bethany submitted the (SnCa)Se Alloys paper to Journal of Chemistry A on April 27.
  • The RERF proposal to acquire a variable-temperature stage for the Raman microscope was awarded! Okan, James H. and Paul LeDuff (Rorrer group) will spearhead the acquisition.
  • Bethany was awarded the Whiteley Materials Science Fellowship! Congratulations again.
  • James and Okan represented Tate Lab at March for Science in Portland
  • Annual Lab Clean Up done on April 4th for all labs. Seebeck Lab reorganized.
  • Bethany has been awarded a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) award to work at NREL for 4 months. Congratulations, we're very proud of you!
  • The Heterostructural Alloys paper has been “all but accepted” by Science Advances - yay!
  • Chiyuki Sato completed her PhD at Yamanashi University - congratulations!
  • Aaron Dethlefs, junior in Physics, is sitting in on our group meetings - welcome.
  • James H's poster won a “Best Poster” award at the MRS meeting!
  • Janet will give an invited talk at the ACS Spring Meeting in San Francisco.
  • James H will attend the MRS Fall Meeting in Boston and present a poster on TiO2 polymorphs.
  • Michael and Hazel attended the PhysCon Conference in San Francisco; Michael presented some alloys work in a poster presentation.
  • Ryan Lance is joining us for group meetings starting Fall - welcome!
  • James H passed his prelim oral - awesome job!
  • Congratulations to Bethany on her marriage to Scott! Our very best wishes!
  • Hazel Betz is joining the group - welcome!
  • Okan Agirseven joined the group this summer - welcome!
  • Michael and James M gave talks at the USRS Symposium - well done!
  • Josh graduated with a B.S. in Physics - congratulations!
  • Janet attended the March APS meeting and received APS Fellow status
  • Bethany passed her Ph.D. preliminary exam! Congratulations!
  • Bethany attended the EFRC all-hands meeting in January.
  • Lab floors all waxed and clean in January - how great is that?!
  • Chiyuki returned to Japan in January - thanks for visiting.
  • Bethany and James H have posters at the Fall MRS - both nominated for best poster award! Congrats!
  • Janet attended the EFRC PI meeting in Washington DC on October
  • Michael Forkner and James May are our new undergrad colleagues - Welcome!
  • James, Bethany and Janet will attend MRS in December.
  • Janet had a banner year - APS Fellow, College Gilfillan Award, OSU Alumni Distinguished Professor Award, and Dr. Russ and Dolores Gorman Faculty Scholar Award!
  • Bethany, James and Janet will attend the EFRC All hands meeting at LBL 5-7 August.
  • Chiyuki Sato has joined us from the University of Yamanashi - welcome!
  • Emily Thomas is working with us over the summer - welcome!
  • Josh, Scott and Alex are graduating!
  • James, Bethany and Janet will give talks at APS Northwest in May.
  • Josh has decided to attend grad school at the University of Washington - congrats!
  • Bethany, James & Janet will be visiting NREL for an all-hands meeting of the EFRC.
  • Undergrads Josh Stahly and Katie Banowetz are working in the lab!
  • Janet was named a TU Ambassoador by the Technical University of Munich
  • Jaeseok& Chris's paper was published in Advanced Energy Materials !
  • Congratulations to Kai Zhan, M.S!
  • Delighted to join the EFRC with NREL, MIT, Harvard, Stanford, Colorado School of Mines!
  • Scott Hutchings and Alex Poff are our new undergrad researchers - welcome.
  • Labs are all spruced up and ready for work - thanks to all who participated in June 19 clean-up day!
  • Kai is going to the PhD program in EECS at OSU, Rodney is going to U. Maryland to grad school in Physics; Kat has a software job at Callisto in Albany - good luck in your next ventures!
  • Congratulations to Rodney Snyder, B.S.; Kat (Stevens) Prudell, B.S.!
  • Rodney, Kat and Aaron presented thesis thesis work.
  • Josh has a SURE Science award for summer 2014! Congratulations!
  • NW-APS upcoming 1 May 2014; Chris, Kai, Rodney, Josh, Daniel have posters; Janet has an invited talk; Rodney has an Honors College “Grandma” scholarship to pay expenses!
  • SnCaS paper published in Journal of Applied Physics, March 2014
  • Bethany Matthews and James Haggerty are joining us this term
  • River's thermal conductivity paper was published by Thin Solid Films! (November 2013)
  • Josh Mutch (undergrad) will be joining us this fall.
  • River's thermal conductivity paper was accepted by Thin Solid Films! (Sept 2013)
  • Undergrads Rose Baunach (Whitman) and James Cutz (LB) will be joining us for the summer - welcome. Also Kyle MacClellan and Kai Zhan are grads who will be in the lab this summer.
  • Summer CLEANUP day is Thu Jun 20, 2013 - lunch to follow.
  • Congratulations to River who was recognized as the Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher in the College of Science for his work on the thermal conductivity experiment.
  • Congratulations to Jason Francis, Ph.D.! And to River Wiedle, B.S. (Honors), Ben Howorth B.S., Casey Hines B.S. June 2013
  • Jason has a job with Intel! Congratulations!
  • River has a job with Intel! Congratulations!
  • River submitted his paper on th thermal conductivity of AlPO to Thin Solid Films. April 2013
  • Jason submitted this paper on SnS to Thin Solid Films. April 2013
  • Undergrads Aaron Kratzer and Michael Perlin are joining us. 7 Jan 2013
  • Nico passed her thesis exam!
  • Ben Howorth is working with Chris on XRD, Rodney Snyder with Jason on the Hall measurements, Casey Hines on the thermal evap system and with River on the thermal conductivity system. Dec 2012.
  • Nico Schmidt from the University of Konstanz is joining us for 5 months to work towards her senior thesis. Welcome Nico! 7 May 2012
  • Subin passed the comp exam! April 2012
  • Jason presented his work on SnS with the Boettcher group at the 2012 MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco - April 2012
  • Winter term CLEANUP day is Friday March 23. Come ready for work - old clothes, gloves, pizza appetite.
  • Kathleen Stevens will be starting her senior thesis project with us on the optical spectrometers - welcome! March 2012
  • Congratulations to Annette, who has a research position at Praxair in Indianapolis! February 2012
  • Jason's BiCuOSe XAS paper with the Piper group published by PRB, Feb 2012
  • Chris passed the comp exam! Jan 2012
  • Annette's BiCuOSe paper is published in JSSC, 14 Jan 2012
  • Weniger 489 had a major cleanup and reorganization - check it out! Weniger 487 & 481 had a cleanup, too. 7 Jan 2012
  • Subin Sahu will be working with us in Winter 2012 - welcome Subin!
  • Undergrads Kevin Albright and Novela Auparay will work with us starting Winter 2012. Welcome!
  • Jason passed the Ph.D. prelim exam, Dec 2011
  • Annette's BiCuOSe single crystal paper was accepted by JSSC, Nov 2011
  • River and Matt presented a poster at the CSMC Kickoff meeting in Corvallis, Oct 24-25, 2011
  • Jason & Chris presented papers and River presented a poster at the APS NW meeting in Corvallis, Oct 21-22, 2011
  • Jason and River presented posters at the AVS meeting in Wilsonville, Sep 15-16, 2011
  • Congratulations Dr. Annette Richard! Jan 10, 2011

Equipment Status

Our Equipment*
Thermionics PLDWngr 475System operational2013.09.25CR
Neocera PLDWngr 475 2012.01.19JF
Compex LaserWngr 475Halogen filter replaced 2013.06.17CR
Lakeshore HallWngr 481 2013.10.08CR
SeebeckWngr 489 2012.01.27JF
Thermal EvaporatorWngr 487System under repair2012.06.27RW
Ocean Optics SpectrometerWngr 118Check reflection cage input if no reflection signal for UV/Vis2012.01.19JF
Grating SpectrometerWngr 118Check power meter if the program gives an error2012.01.19JF
Other Equipment
Bruker XRDDbrn 2012012.01.19JF
Rigaku Ultima XRDGilb 0202012.01.19JF
* - And things we take care of

Labs & Offices

  • Wngr 118: McIntyre Spectrometer lab 7-xxxx
  • Wngr 475: PLD lab 7-9656
  • Wngr 479: Bethany, James & Okan 7-1685
  • Wngr 481: Hall measurement & microscope lab 7-9105
  • Wngr 483: Ryan, James M & undergrads
  • Wngr 485: Janet's office 7-1700; Janet's home page
  • Wngr 487: Thermal evaporator lab 7-1720
  • Wngr 489: Seebeck, resistivity, thermal conductivity, & cryo measurements lab 7-1721
  • Gilb 020: X-ray diffraction lab
  • Gilb 130: Ellipsometer (?)
  • LPSC: Electron micoroscope facility
  • Dearborn 201: Bruker X-ray

Seminars and Mailing lists

Subscribe to the OSU Materials Science listserv: http://lists.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/osumatsci. Information regarding seminars and special events related to Materials Science at OSU. Weekly seminars (Thursdays 3pm, Covell 117, the MIME Library).

Subscribe to the cleanroom mailing list: https://secure.engr.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/ece-cleanroom. Information pertaining to the cleanroom. Please respond to requests to help clean up. It is your responsibility as a user, and you'll learn a lot, too.

OSU Physics students should be automatically subscribed to the Physics Department Monday Morning Memo (which comes out on Fridays at noon!). Otherwise go to http://frontend.science.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/physics-mmm. Information about department events, including colloquium (Mondays 4pm, Wngr 153) and the SSO seminar (Wednesdays 4pm, Wngr 304).

Things to read


Semiconductor Roadmap

Trade Magazines

* Vacuum Technology and Coating Lots of ads, some not-so-good spelling and grammar, but good, solid, intro-level thin-film technology articles: vacuum, deposition, characterization, leak detection, cleaning, etc. Set up an account to read it (login=email; choose a password).

Comic Relief

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