The User Interface
To start the program move the power button to “on” and push start on the labview program. When the button is returned to “off” the program will automatically save any data you've obtained.
“Sample Voltage in mV” will read the voltage from the Tektronix DM5120 Programmable Digital Multimeter. (potential difference between the blocks)
“TC_V in mV” will read the voltage from the Keithley 195A Digital Multimeter. (Temperature gradient between the blocks)
The meter 1 graph will show the sample voltage as it increases or decreases over time.
The meter 2 graph will show the temperature voltage between the blocks as it increases or decreases over time.
“Voltage” will apply heat to the hot block via the Keithley 2400 Source Meter. Typically we apply 5V to the hot block until TC_V in mv reads 0.15 at room temperature (this corresponds to a ΔT of about 3 K see Seebeck Calibration Chart for temperature dependent calibrations). Once the desired temperature gradient is reached, return the voltage to 0.
The Take Measurement button records data every time it is clicked, to record data as the meters return to 0 mV the button must continually be clicked.
For more information on LabView itself, the LabView user manual can be found here.