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Sometimes there are papers that everyone should read, or at least those interested in a particular topic. Help your research colleagues by pointing them to good texts, good reviews, classics in our research area, etc. Be helpful about why. If papers are in the general literature, point to weblinks via OSU library. River has done this on the Thermal conductivity page, so go there to see how, if you're the first to enter. When you enter new papers, please list author, date (yyyy-mo-day), and title and a brief note about content.

Progress in Inorganic Chemistry 41, 21 (1994)Tan, … N. LewisPrinciples and applications of semiconductor photoelectrochemistryReview
JJAP 30, 1008 (1991)Hishikawa et al.Optical Absorption Coefficients of amorphous SiT/(1-R) derivation
J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 16, 1214 (1983)Swanepoel Optical Absorption Coefficients of amorphous SiModel thin-film interference
MRS Bulletin 25(8), (2000)Many (see science server Literature/MRS Bull Aug 2000MRS website] (but need subsciption for some pubs)]|Transparent Conducting Oxides overviews| ====== Useful compilations ====== |^Date^Author^Title^Notes| |JAP 48, 4729 (1977)|H.B. Michaelson|[[http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/japiau/v48/i11/p4729_s1|The work function of the elements and its periodicityA compilation of work functions. Table, graphs, trends.
--Ionic radiiShannon ionic radii, conveniently tabulated by ion, coordination number, charge etc., data from Revised Effective Ionic Radii and Systematic Studies of Interatomic Distances in Halides and Chalcogenides“ R. D. Shannon, Acta Crystallographica A32, 751 (1976)
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 2, 163 (1973)W. H. Strehlow and E. L. CookCompilation of Energy Band Gaps in Elemental and Binary Compound Semiconductors and InsulatorsCompilation of 723 band gaps of semicond. & insulators. Direct/indirect, color, temp dependence. Available at NIST reprint site.
--Refs to optical data compilationsOptical data (refractive index etc., listed on optical spectrometer page.
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 28, 1713 (1999)P. J. Mohr and B. N. TaylorCODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Physical Constants: 1998Current fundamental constants Available at NIST reprint site. See also NIST's fundamental constants site.

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