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Choose a topic that you would like to learn more about. Write a paper and prepare a 15?30?-minute presentation. Include the following elements:

  • A through review of the classic texts, with a tutorial approach in mind
  • The most recent research literature on the topic or related topics (we can discuss this more)
  • Numbers that give the reader an idea of the scale of the quantities you discuss
  • A good bibliography that includes review and tutorial articles and research articles
  • Uniqueness - no topic should overlap that of another class member. You will decide jointly about topics - all of you have to be interested in the others' topics
  • Length: no maximum. 10-page minimum?
  • Presentation: 15?30? minutes plus 5 minutes for questions
  • Optional: a tentative homework problem and solution that would be good for future years


  • Topological insulators
  • Metal-insulator transitions
  • FQHE
  • nanoscale thermal transport
  • Majorana fermions
  • High temperature superconductivity
  • Tunneling – semiconductor, josephson,
  • Temp dependence of resistivity in semiconductors
  • Universal Conductance Fluctuations
  • Many other topics …






projects.1459447283.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/06 09:14 (external edit)