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Course Information


PH575 Introduction to Solid State Physics, or an equivalent course in solid state physics.

Overview & Outcomes

The following questions are addressed during this 5 week module:

  • How are quantum effects such as the Pauli exclusion principle and electron wave interference manifested in solid state systems?
  • How does classical behavior such as bulk resistivity emerge from the underlying quantum mechanical description of electrons.
  • At what doping level does a semiconductor become a metal, a what level of disorder does a conductor become an insulator?
  • What are the “quantum engineering” principles that go into tunneling devices and superconducting devices?

Other student learning goals include:

  • recognizing connections between course material and current research.
  • articulating (writing/talking) arguments for/against physical models.
  • confidence to read scientific articles.
  • appreciating the breadth and beauty of electron transport phenomena.


Janet Tate

  • Office hours: 2-4pm Thursday and by appointment

Meeting Times

Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2pm to 3.20pm in 275 Weniger Hall (link to OSU course catalog)

This is a 2-credit, 5-week course, therefore, we meet 4 hours per week.

Resources & references

=Text books

Reading assignments are from several textbooks. No single graduate level text book does justice to solid state physics because on the timescale of 10 years, new subfields are created and older subfields are revitalized with new experimental and computational techniques. Fundamentals are best covered by Ashcroft and Mermin (the first-and-only edition is a classic from 1976). Coverage of newer topics is found in Kittel, 8th edition (but not the earlier ones, which are fine for everything else). You should own or have access to copies of both.


  • EITHER “Solid State Physics” by Ashcroft and Mermin (there is only one edition), try for a good price.
  • OR “Introduction to Solid State Physics” by Kittel, 8th edition.

Other books where the instructor finds useful material.

  • “Mesoscopic Physics” by Cees Harmans download pdf (15MB)
  • “Solid-State Physics” by Ibach & Luth
  • “Condensed Matter Physics” by Marder, 1st edition (2nd edition might come out soon)
  • “Physics of semiconductor devices” by Sze
  • “Electronic structure of materials” by Sutton (there is only one edition)
  • “The electronic properties of disordered metals” by Dugdale
  • “Conduction in Non-Crystalline Materials” by Mott

Web resources

(Also see individual lecture pages)


Choose a topic that you would like to learn more about. Write a paper and prepare a 15-minute presentation. Include the following elements:

  • A through review of the classic texts, with a tutorial approach in mind
  • The most recent research literature on the topic or related topics (we can discuss this more)
  • Numbers that give the reader an idea of the scale of the quantities you discuss
  • Uniqueness - no topic should overlap that of another class member. You will decide jointly about topics - all of you have to be interested in the others' topics
  • Length: no maximum. 10-page minimum?
  • Presentation: 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions


Homework is due on Fridays at 5 pm. Please suggest homework assignments if you find a particular problem you'd like to work on. I'd like to suggest that everyone present at least one homework solution to the class in the term.

Grades (TBA):

Talk/paper 30%
Homework 40%
Final 30%
info.1458864681.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/06 09:14 (external edit)