Table of Contents

Useful Links


These are direct links to several journals. If you can link to them also through the OSU Library Proxy Server, you will have free access to all articles (ONID login required from off campus). If you cannot access a journal through the Proxy Server, request the article through interlibrary loan. This service is paid for by your tuition and/or fees.

Band structure

Crystal structure





Mathematica (by Wolfram) is one of several extremely powerful software programs that is useful for simple visualization of functions, computer-aided algebra, and is also a vehicle for very sophisticated programming. I highly recommend you use it for classwork, for research and for fun. As long as you are an OSU student, you are permitted a free copy for use on your own computer. Wolfram has extensive documentation and tutorials. Try something very basic like “the first 10 minutes with Mathematica” - you don't need much more.

Here are some Mathematica notebooks that I wrote that are relevant to PH575.

OSU seminars

Not part of the course, but watch these for relevant topics …