Instructor: Malgorzata Peszynska.
This class will develop the theory of variational methods in
Hilbert spaces for elliptic Partial Differential
Equations. This theory forms the background for the
qualitative study of many types of PDEs as well as for their
approximation with finite element method. For evolution
problems, we will proceed via semigroup theory. These
techniques will allow a deeper study of the PDE models
discussed in MTH 621-2-3 including the flow and mechanics
models. We will also cover some nonlinear problems including
variational inequalities for problems under constraints (based
on some basics of convex analysis to be developed), and
additional topics based on the variational techniques to be
Prerequisites: Material covered in MTH 621-2 or
similar, and strong interest in the subject. [I will develop
background and provide additional resources as needed].
Text: we will likely use portions of the text by
R.E. Showalter, "Hilbert Space Methods for Partial Differential
Equations", available online, as well as other materials to be
circulated; Zeidler, "Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications,
I-IV"; available through Springer link; Oden, "Applied Functional
Analysis", handouts available as needed; my notes on various problems,
to be made available as needed.
Thanks for your interest. Go PDEs!