Instructions for Java aspects of Spins program SPINS is available as an application or as an Applet. Java 1.2 or higher is required, since we use Swing components and some other Java 2 code. To run the spins Applet, you need the Java plugin. This comes as part of JRE 1.4 (Java Runtime Engine) and higher. You can install JRE by going to the Sun website and downloading the installer for your system: To run the Spins application (spins.jar), you need a Java environment. If you just want to run Java apps, then simply install the JRE (j2re) (Java Runtime Engine). If you want to compile Java code, then you will need to install the Java SDK (j2sdk) (Standard Develpment Kit). Once you have either of these installed, you can run the Spins application by simply double clicking on spins.jar, or you can type >java -jar spins.jar from a command line (in the directory where spins.jar resides). If you wish to edit the code and recompile, you can do the following: >javac recompiles all necessary files >java Spins runs the application >jar cvfm spins.jar *.class spinhelp.html images makes the application into a jar file >java -jar spins.jar runs the jar file To edit and test the Applet try: >javac recompiles the Applet >jar cvf SpinsApplet.jar *.class spinhelp.html images makes the Applet into a jar file >appletviewer spinapplet.html uses Java Appletviewer to run the applet The Java application and applet have run under Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X. Some common problems with the Java implementation are: 1) Windows and dialog boxes open up smaller than expected. Simply drag the lower right corner to expand. 2) Data entered in angle chooser or User State doesn't seem to be recognized. Make sure you push enter or tab after each entry. You can open the dialog again to check the data. On some machines you must choose another Unknown and then come back to User State to open that dialog box again. 3) On some Mac OS X machines the graphics flash on and off while atoms are being counted. No fix for this yet. 4) If you have trouble with the applet not running, you can trying using the older web link: David McIntyre 13 January 2004