HomeModules Module 2.1 (Makefiles) Apply
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Apply - Makefiles

Given the following Makefile:

CC = /usr/bin/cc
LIBS = -lm

server: server.c create_socket.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) server.c create_socket.o $(LIBS)

client: client.c++ make_connection.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) client.c++ create_socket.o $(LIBS)

create_socket.o: create_socket.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c create_socket.c -o create_socket.o

make_connection.o: make_connection.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c make_connection.c -o make_connection.o

rm server client *.o

Question 1 - Makefiles

What programs are created with this Makefile?


Question 2 - Makefiles


What does the command

make clean



Question 3 - Makefiles

Which libraries are linked with the client and server?


Question 4 - Makefiles

What "variables" are defined in this Makefile?

server.c, create_socket.o and client.c, make_connection.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) server.c create_socket.o $(LIBS)


Question 5 - Makfiles

If you wanted to use a different compiler, which line should you change?



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