HomeModulesModule 1.8 (Labview Sequence Structures) → Tutorial 1



In this tutorial, you will take your Time to Match VI and add a three-frame Sequence Structure in order to return the time, in seconds, it takes to perform each match.

  • Open the Time_to_Match.vi
  • Save-As to Time_to_Match_Sequence.vi
  • Create a Sequence Local that surrounds everything on the Block Diagram
  • Add two frames to the Sequence Structure by popping-up on the frame border > Add Frame After twice
  • Go back to the frame with the While Loop in it
  • Place the While Loop frame in frame 1 by popping-up on the frame border > Make This Frame 1
  • Go to Frame 0
  • Pop-up on the frame border > Add Sequence Local and move it to the bottom of the frame
  • Add a Tick Count (ms) function to the frame and wire it to the Sequence Local
  • Go to frame 2
  • Add a Digital Indicator to the Front Panel, change it's label to Time to Match and change it's digits of precision to 4
  • Add another Tick Count (ms) to frame 2
  • Add A Subtract function, a Divide function and a numeric constant and wire them as shown
  • Make sure and wire to the Sequence Local
  • Run the VI several times and observe the results
  • Save the VI

Below is a node that may be unfamiliar to you:

Tick Count (ms) function reads the current value of the operating system's software time and returns the value in milliseconds. It is used in the first and last frame of the Sequence Structure to compare the start and end time of the structure

Pop-up > Time & Dialog > Tick Count (ms)