HomeModulesModule 2.6 (Labview Case Structures) → Tutorial 3



In this tutorial, you will create a VI that utilizes the Square Root Function to calculate the square root of a given number and the Greater or Equal Function to check if the input number is negative. The VI also utilizes the Select Function to determine the output. If the output of the Greater or Equal Function is TRUE, The Select Function displays the square root valuein teh Digital Indicator. If it is FALSE, it displays the "-99999.0" error value.

  • Start a New VI
  • Create the Front Panel and Block Diagram shown above
  • Run the VI continuously, change the input values and observe the results
  • Notice that this VI does everything that the Square Root Case Structure VI does except that it does not display the error message dialog box.
  • Save the VI as: Square_Root_Select_Function.vi