HomeModulesModule 2.6 (Labview Case Structures) → Tutorial 2




In this tutorial, you will create a VI that utilizes a Case Structure to calculate the square root of a given number and check to see if the input number is negative. If it is, the VI returns a "-99999.0 value in the Digital Indicator and dialog-box error message that is stored in a String Constant. The VI will use a simple Boolean Case Structure that will utilize a greater than or equal to function wired to the selector terminal to determine whether to invoke the square root calculation case (TRUE) or the error-display case (FALSE).

  • Start a New VI and
  • Create the Front Panel and Block Diagram shown above
  • Run the VI, enter diff values and observe the results
  • Note: Do not run this VI Continuously. It will create an Endless Loop!
  • Save the VI as: Square_Root_Case_Structure.vi

Below are some explanations of some Block Diagram nodes that may be new to you:

Greater or Equal to 0? function compares the X and Y inputs and returns a TRUE if X >= Y. Otherwise it returns a FALSE. In this case, the function returns a TRUE if the input number is greater than or equal to the zero because of the zero in the Numeric Constant wired to the Y input.

Square Root function returns the square root of the input number.

Pop-up > Numeric > Square Root

Numeric Constant You have used this before, but this time pop-up on the constant > Format & Precision:

And modify the dialogue box so that the format is Decimal with 1 digit of Precision and Floating Point Notation:

String Constant outputs string data of whatever text is typed inside it.

Pop-up > Strings > String Constant:

One Button Dialog function displays a dialog box that contains a message contained in the String Constant. Wire a constant to the upper-left hot-spot and type the message inside.

Pop-up > Time & Dialog > One Button Dialog