HomeModulesModule 1.8 (Labview Sequence Structures) → Tutorial 3



In this exercise, you will create a VI that utilizes a Formula Node inside of a For Loop. This combination will evaluate a complex mathematical expression and graph the results.

The graph indicator will plot for the equation y = f(x)^3 + f(x), where f(x) = tanh(x) + cos(x).

  • Create a New VI
  • Create the Front Panel and Block Diagram shown above
    Note that you have to create a second output a as a dummy varialble for f(x)
    Also Note that in the Formula Node equaton, tanh(x) is the hyperbolic tangent of x.
  • Run the VI and observe the results
  • Save the VI as Complex_Formula_Node.vi

Here is the psuedo code for the VI:

for i = 0 to 199

x = i /150

a = tanh(x) + cos(x)

y = a^3 + a

array [i] = y

next i

Graph (array)