HomeModulesModule 2.6 (Labview Case Structures) → Tutorial 1



In this tutorial, you will create a VI that utilizes a simple Case Structure. It is controlled by a Boolean control to make the choice between adding or subtracting two numbers. The numbers are inputted through two Digital controls on the Front Panel. The output data is wired to a Digital Indictor.

  • Create a new VI
  • Add a Case Structure to the Block Diagram
  • Add a Vert Rocker Boolean Control to the Front Panel
  • Wire the Boolean Control's terminal to the selector terminal on the Case Structure
  • Add two Digital Controls to the Front Panel
  • Add a Numeric > Subtract function to the Block Diagram inside the Case Structure
  • Wire the Digital Control's terminals to the inputs of the Subtract function (keep the terminals outside the Case Structure boundary)
  • Add a Digital Indicator to the Front Panel
  • Wire the Digital Indicator's terminal to the output of the Subtract function (keep the terminal outside the Case Structure boundary)
  • Go to the TRUE case of the Case Structure by using the Case Structure pop-up menu or the menu at the top of the Case Structure
  • You should see an empty case with all controls and indicators wired to tunnels on either side of the Case Structure boundary.
  • Add a Numeric > Add function to the Block Diagram inside the Case Structure
  • Wire the Add function to the control and indicator tunnels as shown above.
  • Run the VI continuously and test the results of both the subtract and add choices on the Front Panel using different values in the Digital controls
  • Stop the VI with Abort
  • Save the VI as Add_Subtract__With_Case_Structure.vi