HomeModulesModule 2.2 (Args) Extend
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E xtend

Extend - Args

Passing arguments to programs through the command line is useful in certain situations, but is limited in scope.

  • What other ways can you think of that would broaden this method of sending information
    • What about sending information from one program to another?
    • How about passing data from a program to a subroutine?

In covering variable pointers, we took that concept a step further and showed the use of a pointer to pointer, or double pointer. Is that as far as we can take pointers?

  • If not, what is the next logical step?
  • Can you think of a situation where this 'next logical step' would be useful?
    • If so, describe a program that would make use of it.
    • If not, describe why you don't think it's useful.

Finally, try to outline your own program that makes use of arguments, pointers, and double pointers.

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