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ME 295 - Final Project
Student Project Pages

Take a look at these web pages of Final Projects from Spring 2005.

Torque Wrench Deflection - Erik Allegoren
See Student Presentation
Simulated Helicoptor Flight - Collin Boettcher
See Student Presentation
Projectile Motion - Brandon Stein
See Student Presentation
Freeway Sign Deflection - Gene Churning
See Student Presentation
Trailer Beam Deflection - Crosby Johnson
See Student Presentation
Deflection of a Crankshaft - Mohammed Deiranieh
See Student Presentation
Pendulum Simulation in 3 Dimensions - Skip Howard and Sierra Eiden
See Student Presentation
Force Applied to a Table - Ehab Alawneh & Frank Torres
See Student Presentation
Deformation of a Ratchet from an Applied Force - Jose Ledesma
See Student Presentation
Force Required by a Hydraulic Lift to Support a Given Weight - William Myer
Projectile Motion from a Turret Cannon - Andrew Nash and Kevin Blankemeier
Bending Moments in a Motorcycle Frame - Neil Vesco
See Student Presentation

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