Activities |
Topics |
Apr 4
Test drive LabVIEW. Open LabVIEW and use Find Examples to run this VI: Power Spectrum Measurement
FUN (later) Moonlanding Download and test drive later
LabVIEW Introduction
OpenStax CNX Online tutorial: §2 Introduction (Open Contents)
- §2.1 LabVIEW (Read)
- §2.2 LabVIEW Environment (Read)
- §2.3 Front Panel (Read)
- §2.4 Block Diagram (Read)
- §2.5 Acquiring a Signal VI Build VI (AcqSignal.vi) (same exercise as Ch. 1 in GSLV) (Find Template under File-New...-VI-From Template-Simulation-Generate & Display)
Apr 6
CNX Online tutorial: §2 Introduction
- §2.6 Dataflow Programming (Read)
- §2.7 Express Filter VI (Do)
- §2.8 LabVIEW Documentation Resources (Read)
- §2.9 Reduce Samples VI (Build VI: ReduceSamples.vi) (same as Ch. 2 in GSLV)
- Change Graph properties to show individual points
Build VIs to study binary numbers (BinaryCounter.vi, BinaryLooper.vi)
CNX Online tutorial: §10 Data Acquisition and Waveforms
- §10.1 Overview and Configuration of DAQ Devices (Read)
- §10.2 Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) (Do)
- Use MAX to confirm board I/O (A&D) (ignore temperature task)
- Express VIs
- Context Help
- Data types
- Arrays
- Data conversion
- Data acquisition
- Digital I/O
- Analog I/O
Apr 11
CNX Online tutorial: §10 Data Acquisition and Waveforms
Digital I/O: Output
- Build 2 VIs to output byte to control LED array (Circuit Diagram)
- 1) Use DAQ Assistant for I/O board control
- §10.14 Digital Example VI. Combine aspects of the Digital-Example-VI and your own Binary Looper VI to build DigitalLEDAsst.vi.
- 2) Use DAQmx Functions for I/O board control (Help video)(More DAQmx info)
- Modify Write Dig Port.vi example and build DigitalLEDmx.vi to do same tasks as DigitalLEDAsst.vi
- Resolution (bits)
- Scale (gain)
- Speed
- TTL signal levels
- DAQ Assistant
- DAQmx
Apr 13
Digital I/O: Input
- Build VI to read digital input from Function Generator (modify DigitalLEDmx.vi; use DAQmx, not Assistant)
- 1 bit from TTL signal (DigitalBitIn.vi)
- TTL waveform: Display on chart
- Build VI for digital output and input (DigitalInOut.vi)
- Write (out) and Read (in) to/from external digital logic chip
- NAND gate (7400 chip) (Circuit Diagram)
- Use Sequence structure to order timing of Write/Read
- Build Truth table (Experiment and LabVIEW theory)
- For Loop: step through truth table input values, use indexing tunnel for building array of results outside loop
- Record results and compare with LabVIEW logic
- Case Structure: NAND, AND, OR, XOR (LabVIEW theory)
Apr 18
Analog Input
- CNX Online tutorial: §10.4 Analog Input (Read)
- Temperature sensor: TMP 36. (Circuit Diagram)
- Build VI for temperature sensor input (as a voltage)
- 1 point read (TempIn1pt.vi)
- Use DAQmx in While loop (modify Digital VI to read analog signal)
- Use DIFF input mode (see p. 4-11 (p. 33) of 322661b.pdf LabVIEW measurements manual)
- Display single value (C, K, F)
- Meter display (thermometer)
- Display on chart
- Build array inside loop with feedback node, build waveform, and display on graph
- Math calculations
- Graph vs. chart
- Array vs. waveform
- Feedback node
Apr 20
Analog Input
- Temperature sensor: TMP 36 (continued)
- Build VI for temperature sensor input
- Use DAQmxTiming.vi (Read info here)
- N point read (TempInNpt.vi)
- Read N points
- Waveform display on graph
- DAQ input modes
Apr 25
Analog Input
- Oscilloscope with Input from Function Generator
- Build VI so that LabVIEW reads function generator input and acts as an oscilloscope (OScopeIn.vi)
- Use DAQmxTrigger.vi (Read info here)
- Waveform display
- Two inputs (signal and trigger)
- Trigger data collection (use PFI input)
- Determine speed and resolution limits
Apr 27
Analog Output
- Build VIs for Function generator output
- 1 point in while loop (FncGenOut1pt.vi)
- N points in while loop (FncGenOutNpt.vi)
- Knobs to simulate function generator instrument
- Determine speed and resolution limits
- Software timing
- Hardware timing
May 2
Analog Input and Output: Feedback
- Temperature sensor input & heater output. (Circuit Diagram)
- Build VI for Thermostat control (TempOnOff.vi)
- Record system response
May 4
PID Feedback Control
- Read PID Tutorial
- Temperature sensor input & heater output
- Build VI for PID control (TempPID.vi)
- Use arrays for Integral and Differential parts
- Vary gains
- Record system response
- PID Feedback
- P: Proportional
- I: Integral
- D: Differential
May 9
Instrument Control via USB interface
- TDS1002B Digital Oscilloscope (Manual)
- AFG3021B Arbitrary Function Generator (Manual)
- Configure
- Set and Query Instrument Parameters
- Instrument I/O Assistant
May 11
Instrument Control
- CNX Online tutorial: §11.7 Programming with VISA
- Build MyVISAWrite&Read.vi
- Set and Query Instrument Parameters
- CNX Online tutorial: Read §11.8 About Instrument Drivers and §11.9 Using Instrument Driver VIs
May 16
Instrument Control
- AFG3021B Arbitrary Function Generator
- Output standard waveform (sine, square, etc) or arbitrary waveform (ArbWaveOut.vi)
- Use Instrument Drivers
- Determine AFG output resolution by observing signal on oscilloscope
May 18
Instrument Control
- TDS1002B Digital Oscilloscope
- Record waveform from function generator (ScopeDataIn.vi)
- Use Instrument Drivers
- Determine oscilloscope input resolution
May 23
LRC Resonance Experiment
- Series LRC circuit (see PH424)
- Build VI for Sinusoidal input to LRC (LRCsine.vi)
- Vary sine frequency from Function Generator
- Record circuit response with Oscilloscope
- Plot response function (amplitude and phase)
- Save data to Excel
- File I/O
- Timing
- Loop indexing
- Instrument VI Tree
May 25
LRC Resonance Experiment |
May 30
LRC Impulse Experiment
- Vary impulse time manually and determine optimal pulse width
- Build VI for Impulse input (LRCimpulse.vi)
- Fourier transform output
- Plot response function
- Compare two methods (sine and implulse) for measuring response function
June 1
Spectral Analysis
- Build VI for Spectral Measurement (Spectrum.vi)
- Noise Generator + Sine Wave ( Op amp adder )
- Power Spectrum, Units
- Aliasing
- Parseval's Theorem: Power same in Time and Freq domains
- Windowing
June 6
Signal Averaging
- Build VI for Time Domain Averaging (Taverage.vi)
- Noise Generator + Sine Wave (Op amp adder)
- Trigger Oscilloscope with Fnc Gen Sync (TTL)
- Average signal to reduce noise
- Power Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) with SINAD analyzer vi
- Plot SNR vs. number N of traces averaged
- Show that SNR grows linearly with N
- Lock-in Amplifier
- Phase sensitive detection
Jun 8
Signal Averaging |