/* file: zsample.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include "zeros.c" /* Sample program. Uses DFZERO + zeros.c interval zero finder. Solve zeros for a boundary value problem: The sample program calculates the energies and states for a particle in the following potential: output for the states is in Mathematica format. V(x) ~~~^ ^~~~~~ inf | | | | | _______| Vo | |________ a --->x output file: zsample.out */ FILE *fp; double VV=0.; double MM, AA,HH; double gke(double *e) { /* function whose zeros we to find */ double k,E,ka, kk_sin_ka, cos_ka; E=*e; k=sqrt(2*MM*E)/HH; ka=sqrt(2*MM*(VV-E))/HH; kk_sin_ka=(ka/k)*sin(k*AA); cos_ka=cos(k*AA); E=exp(2*ka*AA)*(kk_sin_ka+cos_ka)+(kk_sin_ka-cos_ka); return(E); } int SampleQP() { /* A SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR DFZERO */ float f; double a,b,re,ae,k,ka,E,A,B,ex; int i,j=0; zeroLink *Z; ddfortran* Fun; Fun=&gke; re=.00001; ae=.00001; HH=1.; MM=1.; if (VV==0.) VV=4; printf("System is h/2pi=%g m=%g V=%g . Half length of the box, a= ?\n",HH,MM,VV); scanf("%f",&f); AA=1.*f; a=0.0001; b=VV-.0001; puts("Calling zero finder\n"); Z=getPointsInterval(Fun, a,b, re,ae); if (Z==0) { puts("NO E<V energy found for this well. Try another.\n"); return(SampleQP()); } fprintf(fp,"System is h/2pi=%g m=%g V=%g a=%g\n",HH,MM,VV,AA); fprintf(fp,"Found(energies):\n"); puts("Found(energies):\n"); if (Z) for(;Z->next;Z=Z->next) { printf("(%22.20g,%d) \n",Z->val,Z->isZero); fprintf(fp,"(%22.20g,%d) \n",Z->val,Z->isZero); } if (Z) { printf("(%22.20g,%d) ",Z->val,Z->isZero); fprintf(fp,"(%22.20g,%d) ",Z->val,Z->isZero); } puts("\nThe wavefunctions are:\n"); fprintf(fp,"\nThe wavefunctions are:\n"); Z=firstLink(Z); if (Z) for(;Z->next;Z=Z->next,j++) { LABEL: E=Z->val; k=sqrt(2*MM*E)/HH; ka=sqrt(2*MM*(VV-E))/HH; ex=exp(ka*AA); A=1000000/ka*k*cos(k*AA)/ex/(1.+ex*ex); B=-1.00000*k/ka*cos(k*AA)*ex*ex/(ex+1./ex); printf("psi%d[x_]:=Sin[%22.20f x] /; x<=%g \n",j,k,AA); printf("psi%d[x_]:=%22.20f*10^-6 Exp[%22.20f x]+ %22.20f Exp[%22.20f x] /; x>%g \n", j,A,ka,B,-ka,AA); fprintf(fp,"psi%d[x_]:=Sin[%22.20f x] /; x<=%g \n",j,k,AA); fprintf(fp,"psi%d[x_]:=%22.20f*10^-6 Exp[%22.20f x]+ %22.20f Exp[%22.20f x] /; x>%g \n", j,A,ka,B,-ka,AA); } if (Z) goto LABEL ; printf("\n(*where*) a=%g;\n",AA); fprintf(fp,"\n(*where*) a=%g;\n\n",AA); fprintf(fp,"Plot[psi0[x],{x,0,2*a}]\n\n"); puts("Plot[psi0[x],{x,0,2*a}]\n\n"); return(1); } int main() { float f; fp=fopen("zsample.dat","w"); /* external fp */ printf("V= ?\n"); scanf("%f",&f); VV=1.*f; SampleQP(); return(fclose(fp)); }