Working with Programs: Compiling, Debugging and Executing

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Working with Programs: Compiling, Debugging and Executing

  You can try any of these commands by cutting them with your mouse and pasting them into a UNIX window. If there are filenames or other variables you need to change, they are indicated by italics .

cc file.c
Compile C source code in file.c.
f77 file.f
Compile Fortran 77 source code in file.f.
pc file.p
Compile Pascal source code in file.p.
as file.s
Assemble program in file.s.
ld file.o
Load, link, program in file.o.
lint file.c
Check C program in file.c.

sdb prog
Run debugger on executable prog.
dbx prog
Run debugger on executable prog.
adb prog
Run debugger on executable prog.

batch prog
Run prog in batch queue (sequential bg).
at prog
Run prog at a later time.
ps -a
Return name and process ID's of all current processes.
ps -fu user
Returns list of processes owned by user (V).
kill -9 pid
Cancel job number pid (known from ps).

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