Getting the Latest Version

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Getting the Latest Version

The get command is able to retrieve the latest, or any past, version of your program:

$ ls   	   
Makefile  s.whet.f   	   
$ get -e s.whet.f   	Get latest version for editing.   
1.1   	Version 1.1.   
new delta 1.2   	These changes will become version 1.2.   
198 lines   	Book keeping.   
$ ls   	   
Makefile  p.whet.f  s.whet.f  whet.f   	p.whet.f is a flag for SCCS.   

To get a past version , use the prs command to list past versions and get -r to retrieve the version you want:

$ prs s.whet.f   	List versions of whet.f.   
s.whet.f:   	prs lists the deltas.   
   	Most recent is version 1.3.   
D 1.3 92/04/06 09:37:44 pfink 3 2    000/000/198   	   
COMMENTS:   	Comments the user made about changes.   
Optimized for superscalar.   	   
   	The next delta, 1.2.   
D 1.2 92/04/06 09:31:08 pfink 2 1    000/000/198   	   
Added new timing print out.   	   
   	The original version is 1.1   
D 1.1 92/04/06 09:13:22 pfink 1 0    198/000/000   	   
date and time created 92/04/06 09:13:22 by pfink   	   
$ get -r1.1 s.whet.f   	   
198 lines   	   
$ get -r1.1 s.whet.f   	Get read-only copy of the original.   
198 lines   	   
$ ls   	   
Makefile  s.whet.f  whet.f   	   

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