Alphabetized List of Unix Commands

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Alphabetized List of Unix Commands


This section contains an alphabetized list of common Unix commands which could be useful as a review and reference.  

^ c
INTERRUPT program ([Del] in System V).
^ d
END text input (also logoff).
^ h
^ r
REPEAT last line typed (or !!).
^ q
Unlock terminal screen.
^ s
Stop the screen from scrolling.
^ u
UNDO last line typed.
^ w
Delete last WORD typed.
^ z
SUSPEND a running program.
as file.s
Assemble program in file.s.
at prog
Run prog at a later time.
batch prog
Run prog in BATCH queue (sequential bg).
Place stopped foreground job into BACKGROUND.
cat fileA > fileB
COPY fileA to fileB.
cat fileA >> fileB
APPEND fileA to end of fileB (add to end).
cat file
LIST file on screen (or where > or >> directs).
cc file.c
COMPILE C program in file.c.
cd dirname
CHANGE to dirname; default home, .. 1 up.
chmod code file
Change file's access restrictions.
cp oldfile newfile
COPY oldfile to newfile.
dbx prog
Run DEBUGGER on executable prog.
diff file1 file2
List lines DIFFERING in file1, file2.
f77 file.f
Fortran 77 compile.
fg job #
Place background job into FOREGROUND.
file fname
Determine fname's type.
grep pat fname
Look for pat in file fname.
head file
Print first 10 lines of file.
Return names and job # of suspended jobs.
kill -9 pid #
Cancel job with pid # (known from ps).
ld file.o or file.a
LOAD, LINK, program in file.o, file.a.
lint file.c
Check C program in file.c.
lp fname
Print fname on LINE PRINTER (System V).
Return status of jobs in print queue (BSD).
lpr file
Print file on LINE PRINTER (BSD).
lprm numb
Remove numb from print queue (BSD).
Return status of jobs in print queue (System V).
LIST files in present directory.
ls -l
A long list of files.
ls dirname
List files in dirname, default .,
-l long, -x list, -CF coded, -a invisibles.
mkdir dirname
Make directory dirname.
more file
List file, one screenful at a time.
mv oldfile newfile
MOVE oldfile to newfile, then remove oldfile.
pc file.p
Compile Pascal programs in file.p.
ps -a
Return name and process ID's of all current processes.
ps -fu user
List processes owned by user (System V).
Print working directory.
rm oldfile
REMOVE (erase) oldfile.
rm -rf directory
Remove directory and everything in it.
rmdir dirname
Remove directory dirname.
sort fname
SORT lines of fname based on options.
spell fname
Check fname for SPELLING.
tail file
Print file's last 10 lines on screen.
view file
Use the vi editor for VIEWING a file.
wc fname
COUNT number of ``words'' in fname.
who (w)
List current users.
who am i (whoami)
Return my login name.

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