Setting Defaults in .Xdefaults

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Setting Defaults in .Xdefaults

Once you have found fonts and colors you like, you will want to use them in xterm as the default choice. You do this by adding your choices to the .Xdefaults file. Here are some lines to configure an xtermthe way we like it: 

xterm*Font: *-courier-bold-r-*-18-* In .Xdefaults file. xterm*background: LightSteelBlue xterm*foreground: Black
Notice that we did not use any escape characters or quotes for the font name. Since the .Xdefaults file is not read by the shell, the *'s will not be expanded. We can also set other characteristics of xterm in the .Xdefaults file. Ones we have found pleasant are:

xterm*cursorColor: Red xterm*fullCursor: true xterm*scrollBar: true xterm*saveLines: 1000 xterm*VT100.geometry: 80x25+0+0 xterm*loginShell: true

The cursorColor line sets the color of the xterm cursor; we use Red since it stands out well. The fullCursor true line causes a block cursor to be used; we find that full cursor stands out better. The scrollBar and saveLines lines set the maximum number of lines back to which you can scroll.

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