How to Use this Document

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Creating Scratch Files


To create a scratch file copy the following command onto your Unix screen and press return.

cat >> area.f 
Then copy the following file onto your screen and press ctrl-d (^ d).
       PROGRAM area  
c area of circle, r input from terminal  
       DOUBLE PRECISION pi, r, A   
c    Best value of pi for IEEE floating point   
       pi = 3.14159265358979323846  
c 	read r from standard input (terminal)  
       Write(*, *) 'specify radius, e.g. 1.0 ' 
       Read (*, *)  r  
       A = pi * r**2  
c    write area onto terminal screen   
       Write(*, 10) 'radius r =', r, ' A =', A  
 10    Format(a20, f10.5, a15, f12.7)   
       STOP 'area'  

You have created a file consisting of the listing for a program area.f (it's Fortran but that doesn't matter). You can now use this file to try out the Unix tools and editors. It is small, you can always get it back if it gets ruined, and you can even compile and run it.

If you need more than one scratch file you can use the command:

cp area.f area2.f

to create another scratch file (area2.f).

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