Working on Mulitiple Machines
If you do not already have a ucs
account, then you can create one by
following the directions below, or you can go to the Consulting Desk on the 2nd
floor of the Kerr library.
First, you need to log in to a terminal (i.e. WebTerm). Then you need to telnet
to the ucs
mainframe. You do this by typing:
> telnet ucs.orst.edu
At the login prompt, type newuser
login: newuser
At the password prompt, just press return
password: return
Now, follow the instructions provided and agree to comply with the university computing and network policies.
Make sure you write down your user-id for this account, since it will most likely be different than your user-id for your physics account.
Your email account should now be available. If it is not, make sure that you have followed the correct procedures and if it still doesn't work, then ask a person next to you for help. If still no luck, call Computing Facilities in the Kerr library at 737-3474.
Working on Mulitiple Machines