The Whole Process Of Compiling And Running The Communication Program

What you have done so far
You logged into the computer where you want to run the master process. In this example this is coconut an IBM RS 6000. The source codes for the master and the slave program are in your home directory with the names c_master.c and c_slave.c respectively.
Make slave for IBM RS 6000
cc -o answer c_slave.c -lpvm3
cp answer pvm3/bin/RS6K/
Make master for IBM RS 6000
cc -o master c_master.c -lpvm3
Make slave for DEC alpha (e.g. daphy)
rlogin daphy
If daphy prompts you for your password, then something is wrong with your .rhosts file. You have to correct this before you can use PVM.
cc -o answer c_slave.c -lpvm3
cp answer pvm3/bin/ALPHA/
Start PVM on all the machines you want to use
pvm>add daphy
pvm>add goophy
pvm>add banana
pvm>add papaya
Start the master process

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