Installing PVM

The best way to install PVM is to get a nice system administrator do it for you. This saves you some work and makes it possible for other people on your system to use PVM.
However if you are the nice system administrator, your system administrator is not nice or you can't find him because he is on his well earned vacation in the Carribean, then here are the things you have to do.
Step 1: Download the software package
You can download the software for PVM from the Netlib archives at and you probably want to get a copy of xpvm from
Step 2: Find a home for PVM
If you install PVM as a system administrator then /usr/local/pvm3 seems a natural choice. Otherwise create a directory pvm3 in your home directory and put the downloaded software in there.
Step 3: Build PVM
Step 4: Move files
If you have root access, then you should copy the PVM libraries (libfpvm3.a, libgpvm3.a, libpvm3.a) from pvm3/lib/$PVM_ARCH into /usr/lib where the compiler can find them. For thwe same reason put the include files (fpvm3.h, pvm3.h, pvmsdpro.h, pvmtev.h) into /usr/include.

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