Different System Configuration

No shared home directories
In this case you have to repeat many of the steps described in the general configuration page on all the machines you want to use.
You have to create the .rhosts file and add the environment variables to your .cshrc file.
PVM is not installed
In this case you have to install it yourself or find someone to do it for you. We included some hints on how to install PVM
PVM libraries are not in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib
If you plan to use PVM frequently, you might want to put the libraries into these default directories. Otherwise you have to tell the compiler explicitly where it can find them.

cc -o master master.c -lpvm3 -Lpath_to_your_libraries

PVM include files are not in /usr/include
Again the best thing to do is put them there, otherwise compile with,

cc -o master master.c -lpvm3 -Ipath_to_your_include_files

Notice the first character in lpvm3 is a small l like as in library, while the first character in Ipath_to_your_include_files is a capital I as in include.

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