Master Source Code For Communication Example

/* master program for the simple communication program */
/* which starts slaves just to get their names and the */
/* local time back */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pvm3.h>


struct pvmhostinfo *hostp;
int result, check, i, nhost, narch, stid;
char buf[64];
pvm_setopt(PvmRoute, PvmRouteDirect);		/* channel for communication */

gethostname(buf, 20);				/* get name of master */		
printf("The master process runs on %s \n", buf);

/* get and display configuration of the parallel machine */
pvm_config( &nhost, &narch, &hostp );		/* get configuration */
printf("I found the following hosts in your virtual machine\n");
for (i = 0; i < nhost; i++)
   printf("\t%s\n", hostp[i].hi_name);

for (i=0; i<nhost; i++)				/* spawn processes on */			
{						/* all physical machines */
   check=pvm_spawn("answer", 0,PvmTaskHost,hostp[i].hi_name, 1, &stid);
   if (!check) printf("Couldn't start process on %s\n", hostp[i].hi_name); 
while (result<nhost)
   pvm_recv(-1, 2);			/* wait for reply message */
   pvm_upkstr(buf);			/* unpack message */
   printf("%s\n", buf);			/* print contents */
   result++;				/* next message */

pvm_exit;				/* we are done */

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