function vcoul (q) c *** see r h landau, program lpott, 1981 c this sub determines Coulomb potential of sphere or realistic rho(r) c rcut is the cut off (matching radius) r c all units are mev-1 implicit real*8 (a-h,k,m,o-z) real*8 Rcoul, Rcut common /params/ hbarc, pi, Mp, MN, nz, na, nes, nwaves common /switch/ nifty common /ranges/ Rcoul, Rcut dimension ff(4), nifty(20) c vcoul=0.0 c ********* Below pt coulomb ********************** eps = 1.d-4 rrcut = Rcut/hbarc qr = q * rrcut q2 = q * q if (qr .lt. eps) then vcoul = 0.5d0 * rrcut**2 else vcoul = (1.d0 - DCOS(qr))/q endif vcoul = 0.5d0*nz/137.036/pi/pi*vcoul c return c Above pt coulomb switch ********************** if(nifty(1).eq.9)return zalpha=nz/137.036 if ( go to 30 c special q=0 form --i think this is ok c vcoul = rcut*rcut*zalpha/4./pi/pi/hbarc/hbarc ************* Mr. Lu form of above ******************* rcut2 = Rcut*Rcut/hbarc/hbarc rcoul2 = Rcoul*Rcoul/hbarc/hbarc vcoul = zalpha/4./pi/pi*(rcut2 - rcoul2 * .2) ****************************************************** go to 50 30 continue c c must be define rcoul to use uniform sphere rhl = q*Rcoul/hbarc s = sin(rhl) c = cos(rhl) if (nifty(10).eq.4) go to 40 ff(1)=(3./rhl/rhl)*(s/rhl-c) go to 45 c realistic form factor 40 continue nnf = 1 q2 = q*q call ffact (q2,ff,nnf) ***** tvm 10/27/92 hbarc included in line below ****************** 45 vcoul = (0.5/pi/pi)*(zalpha/q/q)*(ff(1)-cos(q*Rcut/hbarc)) 50 continue return end