c/* %W% latest revision %G% %U% */ subroutine PRNIF() c ***************************************************************************** c *** Prints out the nifties and what they are to tape6 character*52 h(0:11,20) common /switch/ nifty(20) data h(0,1),h(1,1),h(2,1) /'(p,n) cex', 'proton', 'neutron'/ data h(0,2) / 'Binding energy = Nifty(2)*5'/ data h(0,3) /'default--takes no action'/ data h(1,3) /'single scattering--Nifty(16) already used'/ data h(2,3) /'set T = R (non-unitary)'/ data h(3,3) /'double scattering for 0.5*0.5'/ data h(0,4),h(1,4) /'Triplet-Singlet Mixing', 'No T-S Mixing'/ data h(0,5),h(1,5),h(2,5) /'so,kapo', 'sin,kap0', 'so,no ang'/ data h(3,5),h(4,5),h(5,5) /2*'undef', 'e3b,no aay'/ data h(6,5),h(7,5),h(8,5) /'undef', 'e3b, aay', 'undefined'/ data h(9,5) /'so,aay'/ data h(0,6),h(1,6),h(2,6) /'no spin ms', 'ss+ds', 'ss+ds+ts'/ data h(3,6) /'spin 0x0.5'/ data h(4,6),h(5,6) /'Ustrong = Ucoulomb = 0', 'ss'/ data h(6,6) /'Ustrong = 0, Ucoulomb .ne. 0'/ data h(7,6),h(8,6) /'Im U = 0','spin 0.5*0.5'/ data h(0,7) /'No NN waves for l > 4'/ data h(1,7) /'All NN partial waves'/ data h(0,8) /'Use stored t''s'/ data h(1,8) /'Read in phases and store t''s'/ data h(0,9) / 'Not used by Proton code'/ data h(0,10),h(1,10),h(2,10) /'no Coul', '+fc+phase','+fc'/ data h(3,10),h(4,10) /'exact Coul', 'exact+f(q)'/ data h(0,11),h(1,11) /'Schroedinger', 'Relativistic (Dirac)'/ data h(0,12),h(1,12) /'Graz off-shell', 'F-ratios off-shell'/ data h(2,12) /' PEST off-shell'/ data h(0,13),h(0,14) /2*'undefined'/ data h(0,15),h(1,15) /'div p ff', 'no dv p ff'/ data h(0,16),h(1,16) /'rhog,rho2g', 'rhows,rh2g'/ data h(2,16),h(3,16) /'rhows,r2ws', 'he or d ff'/ data h(4,16),h(5,16) /'ns=nm,pf=0', 'fns=fnm=pm'/ data h(6,16),h(7,16) /'fmat*tspn', 'tsp*fs+m/2'/ data h(8,16) /'Ray''s ffac for C13'/ data h(9,16) /'Constant form factor = 1'/ data h(0,17),h(1,17) /'KMT' ,'Watson ' / data h(0,18),h(1,18) /'full amps', 'no E'/ data h(2,18),h(3,18) /'no A + B', 'no E or A + B'/ data h(4,18) /'no F amp for pA system'/ data h(0,19) / 'control to nifty(16)'/ data h(1,19) /'Hadjimichael ia ff''s'/ data h(2,19) /'full Hadjimichael'/ data h(0,20) /'reduced output, no tape10 for plot'/ data h(1,20) /'full output, no tape10 for plot'/ data h(2,20) /'reduced output, plot file to tape10'/ data h(3,20) /'full output, plot file to tape10'/ c >>> FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< do 25 nif=1,20 j = nifty(nif) if (nif .eq. 1) then if (nifty(1) .eq. -2) then j = 0 else if (nifty(1) .eq. 5) then j = 1 else j = 2 endif endif if (nif .eq. 2) j = 0 write(6,710) nif, nifty(nif), h(j,nif) 25 continue return 710 format(7h0nifty(,i2,2h)=,i3,10x,a,i4) end