c/* %W% latest revision %G% %U% */ subroutine PRAMPS (Tlab) *********************************************************************** c *** Computes and prints out the elementary pn and pp amplitudes implicit real*8 (a-h, i, k, m, o-z) character*80 SCCSID complex*16 Ap, An, Bp, Bn, Cp, Cn, Dp, Dn, Ep, En complex*16 A2p, A2n, B2p, B2n, C2p, C2n, D2p, D2n, E2p, E2n complex*16 zi dimension nifty(20) CCC increase dimensionality to include other off-diagonal CCC ra(7)--> ra(14); r(7)-->r(14) : pjd 4/4/93 c dimension t(40), tx(40), ra(7), rax(7) dimension t(40), tx(40), ra(14), rax(14) CCC dimension ApB(4), AmB(4), CpD(4), CmD(4), E(4) common /params/ hbarc, pi, xMp, xMN, nz, na, nes, nwaves common /switch/ nifty common /tjmats/ t, tx, ra, rax common /amplit/ Ap, An, Bp, Bn, Cp, Cn, Dp, Dn, Ep, En c>>>> FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< zi = (0.0, 1.0) sr10 = sqrt(10.) Mn = 938.9264 Mp = Mn cthnuc = 0.0 c *** Kinematics Ecm = sqrt(2. * Mn * (Tlab + 2. * Mn)) s = Ecm * Ecm k = sqrt((s - (Mn + Mp) * (Mn + Mp)) * (s - (Mn - Mp) * (Mn - Mp)) $ /4./s) Epofk = sqrt(Mp * Mp + k * k) Enofk = sqrt(Mn * Mn + k * k) ftot = -(Epofk + Enofk)/4./pi/pi/Epofk/Enofk factor = ftot/k fac3 = sr10 * 197.33/ftot call tncm (k) c *** If phases are being read in won't need to repeat later c so set nifty(8) to 0 to prevent *** nifty(8) = 0 c *** Compute A, B, C, D, E of Bistricky, Lehar and Winternitz c *** Journal de Physique 39, 1, 1978, eq. 2.14 write(6,*) 'p-N Amplitudes from PNCRS 2.9' write(6,15) Ecm, k, epofk, ftot, factor write(6,*) write(6,141) write(6,*) do 11 n = 0,180 rad = n * pi/180. x = cos(rad) call damps (x, ApB, AmB, CpD, CmD, E) ****** tm 9/03/91 Amps write E amp that is used ****************** c write(11,1969) n, E(1), E(2), E(3), E(4) c1969 format(i4,4e12.4) ****************************************************************** A2p = Ap * fac3 A2n = An * fac3 B2p = Bp * fac3 B2n = Bn * fac3 C2p = Cp * fac3 C2n = Cn * fac3 D2p = Dp * fac3 D2n = Dn * fac3 E2p = Ep * fac3 E2n = En * fac3 c______________________________________________________________________________ c Write out the real part of the amplitudes c______________________________________________________________________________ ReA2p = A2p ReA2n = A2n ReB2p = B2p ReB2n = B2n ReC2p = C2p ReC2n = C2n ReD2p = D2p ReD2n = D2n ReE2p = E2p ReE2n = E2n if( nifty(20) .eq. 1 .OR. nifty(20) .eq. 3 ) then write(6,210) n, ReA2p, ReA2n, ReB2p, ReB2n, ReC2p, ReC2n, $ ReD2p, ReD2n, ReE2p, ReE2n endif c______________________________________________________________________________ c Now write out the imaginary part of the amplitudes c______________________________________________________________________________ ImA2p = -zi*(A2p) ImA2n = -zi*(A2n) ImB2p = -zi*(B2p) ImB2n = -zi*(B2n) ImC2p = -zi*(C2p) ImC2n = -zi*(C2n) ImD2p = -zi*(D2p) ImD2n = -zi*(D2n) ImE2p = -zi*(E2p) ImE2n = -zi*(E2n) if( nifty(20) .eq. 1 .OR. nifty(20) .eq. 3 ) then write(6,220) ImA2p, ImA2n, ImB2p, ImB2n, ImC2p, ImC2n, $ ImD2p, ImD2n, ImE2p, ImE2n endif 11 continue if( nifty(20) .eq. 1 .OR. nifty(20) .eq. 3 ) then write(6,230) endif return c *** FORMATS ********************************************************** 15 format(' ','Ecm = ', f13.5, ' MeV',/, $ ' k = ', f13.5, ' MeV',/, $ ' Epofk = ', f13.5, ' MeV',/, $ ' ftot = ', e13.5, ' 1/MeV**2',/, $ ' factor = ', e13.5, ' 1/MeV**2' ) 141 format(' ',' theta ', 5x, 'Ap', 10x, 'An', 10x, 'Bp', 10x, 'Bn', $ 10x, 'Cp', 10x, 'Cn', 10x, 'Dp', 10x, 'Dn', $ 10x, 'Ep', 10x, 'En') 142 format(' ',' theta ', 5x, 'Fsp', 9x, 'Fsn', 9x, 'Fvp', 9x, 'Fvn', $ 9x, 'Ftp', 9x, 'Ftn', 9x, 'Fpp', 9x, 'Fpn', $ 9x, 'Fap', 9x, 'Fan') 210 format(' ', i6, 10(e12.3)) 220 format(' ', 6x, 10(e12.3)) 230 format('1') end