subroutine OPTP2 (n1, lpia, lmaxin, lborn, aovera) implicit real*8 (a-h, k, o-z) dimension nifty(20) dimension Ur(43,43,8), Ui(43,43,8) dimension Vr(7), Vi(7), f(43,88,7,43), Vll(100,2,7) common /bandt/ bnuc, bn, bnucf, bnf, retij, imtij common /params/ hbarc, pi, Mp, MN, nz, na, nes, nwaves common /switch/ nifty common /nlspfl/ Ur, Ui common /parallel/ f c >>> FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< c *** Potentials all stored, read in the values for current lpia c *** npts = # of i1, i2 combos (followed by U's for all l's) c *** 5/6 j=l-1 diag+couple c *** npt is location in triangular matrix stored linearly c *** rearrange with (i,j) index, supermatrix formed in main istart = 1 421 do 346 i1 = istart,n1 do 346 i2 = istart,n1 npot4 = 2*lpia npot5 = npot4-1 do 345 i = 1, 7 Ur(i1,i2,i) = f(i2,npot5,i,i1) Ui(i1,i2,i) = f(i2,npot4,i,i1) 345 continue c ********* tvm 9/8/92 TS-mixing ************************************* Ur(i1,i2,8) = Ur(i1,i2,2) Ui(i1,i2,8) = Ui(i1,i2,2) ********************************************************************** 346 continue return c *** end