The typical directory structure should have a main directory which will include the script "Link" to create the executable. It will have a subdirectory "subs" which will hold the FORTRAN code and the shell script "Fort" to compile the code. The main directory will also have a subdirectory "obj" to hold the object files created in compilation. A further subdirectory off of main will be "data" which will hold the arndt92 phase shifts. An input directory must be created, and a further subdirectory within it for each target nucleus. Each of these, then, will hold the input files. To mirror the input directory, there must be an output directory with the same target subdirectories. A typical command to run the code would look like this: arndtp he3/testprot& The output then goes to out/he3/testprot. Modification of the input switches is done in the above mentioned input file. In order to speed the code for parallelization, we have included an inconvenient improvement in the natrix inversion. If the number of grid points, ngp in the input file is changed, the matrix zf must be re-dimensioned to (2*(ngp+1),2*ngp+1)) in lpotp.f, tmatrx.f, and fmatrx.f. This is the result of using the zgetri subroutine rather than cmatin to do the matrix inversion. To do the comp- ilation, the command "Fort subroutine" would be issued on our system in the subs subdirectory. This will move subroutine.o to obj. The command Link is finally issued from the main directory, creating the executable. These commands, which use xlf, are included. Finally, the code has been specialised for spin 1/2 x 1/2, I doubt that the old 0 x 1/2 switches are all still in place.